Prenatal Vitamins in Shampoo for Hair Growth

Taking a prenatal vitamin without actually being pregnant will not cause your hair to grow. ... It does nothing to grow your hair. Crushing up vitamins and putting them in your shampoo- Vitamins are meant to be taken orally so that your body can ingest them. This is a topic that is really starting to get on my nerves. Your hair is dead, putting crushed up vitamins, birth control(really what in the absolute fuck is putting birth control on your hair suppose to do? Prevent your hair from giving birth?), or anything else of the such is not going to make your hair grow. I assume you'd have to basically crush the pills to dust otherwise you'd have chunks of vitamin in your hair for days... Yuck. And really, what would the benefits actually be? Leaving it in for a certain amount of time?

So skeptical of this method. They make medicated SCALP treatments for hair growth because those medications are made to be absorbed through the skin and they are only good for if you have a condition which is affecting your hair's natural growth. Dietary supplements are meant to be taken orally and they only help if you are missing something in your diet causing your hair to grow slower. So instead of wasting your money by crushing them and putting them in your shampoo, which will do absolutely nothing, try taking them orally and if your hair does happen to grow faster, it is because you were not getting all your nutritional needs through regular diet. Prenatal Vitamins in Shampoo for Hair Growth

Prenatal Vitamins in Shampoo for Hair Growth Reviews

You want your hair to grow? Get regular haircuts, maintain a healthy diet, and invest in some good salon quality hair care products.

so I have a bottle of prenatal vitamins leftover and I remember hearing that if you crush them up and put them in your shampoo/conditioner it will help your hair grow and be healthier. I really need this because since I've stopped taking them my hair feels so dry and brittle and even my scalp itches. has anyone tried this. Prenatal Vitamins in Shampoo for Hair Growth.

Prenatal Vitamins in Shampoo for Hair Growth Tips

Its birth control the ones you crush up and put in your hair I have put some on my hair but I just put as many as I thought were needed... Prenatal Vitamins in Shampoo for Hair Growth danielle the hormones on the birth control pills is what helps your hair grow, Prenatal Vitamins in Shampoo for Hair Growth.