Can A Flat Iron Kill Lice & Eggs

Parents from all around the world have all asked me the same question.....

What is it about lice that makes it so difficult to get rid of them?

Lice have developed resistance to nearly everything that used to work on them in the past. Perhaps you recall your mother treating lice with a traditional lice treatment and having success with it. Because the new strain of head lice is no longer destroyed by such treatments, lice are now referred to as "super lice" by the general public. This is because the therapies that used to kill them in the past are no longer effective.

In my lice treatment clinic, I've cured thousands of people of lice. I also do not use any over-the-counter lice treatments under any circumstances. Those items are not used by lice professionals. Instead, lice professionals have developed a specialized approach that allows them to eliminate lice in a single treatment session. On the Get Rid of Lice Like A Pro page, you may find detailed instructions on how to do the same approach.

Lice Removal Using Flat Ironing

A super lice bug viewed under a bright light.

The majority of people who are looking at flat ironing to get rid of lice have already tried a variety of different lice treatments that have failed. As a result of the introduction of the latest lice strain, known as super lice, this is becoming an increasingly common occurrence.

Super lice and regular head lice are essentially the same bugs, with the exception that super lice are resistant to conventional treatments and extremely difficult to eradicate.

If you have attempted normal treatments and they have failed, then it is likely that you are dealing with super lice, which are extremely difficult to treat.

Before we get into whether or not Flat Ironing kills lice, we need ask ourselves a very important question

Do you want to kill lice or do you want to GET RID OF LICE?

For the simple reason that there is a significant difference! Lice are not eliminated by simply killing them today. If you devote all of your time and effort to eliminating lice bugs, you will never be able to rid yourself of lice!

The following are the reasons...

When you have lice, you have two problems to deal with: lice bugs and lice egg infestations. Often, people devote all of their attention to lice bugs while completely ignoring the much more serious problem of LICE EGGS! All of those lice eggs are crammed full of tiny lice bugs, just waiting to hatch and restart the entire lice cycle all over again. It's for this reason that you keep getting lice!

Except for the lice-killing process used by lice specialists, there is no lice treatment or home remedy available that will kill lice eggs.

Because it destroys all of the lice bugs and lice eggs, it is the only solution that is guaranteed to get rid of lice in ONE DAY, without the need for any more treatments. If you plan on utilizing a home remedy in conjunction with a store-bought lice treatment, you should expect it to take approximately 3 weeks and numerous treatments to completely eliminate lice.

Is it Possible to Kill Lice with a Flat Iron?

Can A Flat Iron Kill Lice & Eggs

A woman straightens her hair with a flat iron.

The first thing I ask is, "What is your ultimate objective?"

Do you wish to get rid of a couple of lice? Can Flat Irons Help You Get Rid of Head Lice?

People's heads can be infested with parasitic lice, which are microscopic parasites. Infected individuals disseminate the virus to others by coming into contact with their own hair or the hair of an infected individual.

Head lice cause a tickling sensation on the scalp, as if something is moving on your head, and they are most commonly found in children. They are the source of an infection known as Pediculosis. Infection with this virus is prevalent and has been around for quite some time. It has an annual impact on more than 6 million individuals.

Or do you wish to entirely eliminate lice from your home?

If all you want to do is fry a few bugs in your hair, a flat iron will do the job just perfectly. Temperatures more than 130° F are lethal to lice and lice eggs (per CDC). When used properly, flat irons can reach temperatures of 450° F, which means that if you manage to crush some lice with a flat iron, you can sizzle a few of them.

The First Obstacle to Flat Ironing for Lice is that lice prefer to live on the scalp rather than in the hair.

A lice bug on a strand of hair near the scalp is visible.

The majority of head lice do not live in the lower portion of the hair; instead, they live directly on the scalp or very near to the scalp in the upper section of the hair. They go to the scalp on a regular basis since that is where they get their blood supply. They don't tend to hang out in the lower sections of the hair too often.

You will burn your scalp in order to get a flat iron near enough to the head to kill the majority of head lice. And I'm talking about severe burns; 450° F heat applied to the scalp results in severe burns and blisters. There have been numerous instances of well-intentioned parents being held responsible for child abuse as a result of home cures for lice that have gone awry. Nothing like this should happen to you, and I hope it never does.

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#2- Lice are able to move quickly

A lice is seen fast moving through the hair of a woman with blond hair.

Have you ever noticed how quickly lice can spread through the scalp and hair? Claws on the end of lice's legs allow them to skitter from one hair strand to the next with ease and rapidity. That is why it is so difficult to apprehend them!

What is it that prevents head lice from spreading around on your head while you're flat ironing your hairstyle? It's not as if you can flat iron every strand of hair at the same moment as you would like. You're planning on using 12 flat irons on your hair at the same time, right?

Consider the following: when you flat iron one section of the head, the lice will travel to the opposite side of the head. By the time you get to the other side of the head, the lice will have moved to the side of the head that has already been flat-ironed. It's impossible to catch every one of them. When you have lice, you'll experience acute itching, a tickling feeling caused by the movement of your hair, and little red spots on your scalp, shoulders, and neck, among other symptoms

Lice eggs, often known as nits, are small white bumps on the scalp that resemble pussy willow buds. They are sometimes confused with dandruff. However, unlike dandruff, they are not easily removed from the hair with a simple brushing motion.

Head lice versus high temperatures

Can A Flat Iron Kill Lice & Eggs

Extremely high or low temperatures are not conducive to the survival of head lice. In order to deal with live lice, you should soak your bedding in hot water and then put it in the dryer for around thirty minutes. Place your comb brush and other hair accessories in a nylon bag and place them in the freezer for approximately 30 hours.

What is the QUICKEST and EASIEST method of getting rid of lice?

Lice Advice's mission is to assist parents in getting rid of lice as quickly as they possibly can. And the quickest technique to get rid of lice is to get rid of lice in one day, with no need for re-treatments or additional treatments. The following is the method by which lice professionals such as myself get rid of lice in lice centers. The majority of people believe that lice professionals use some sort of insanely powerful lice product or something. However, the reality is that this is not how lice professionals get rid of lice so quickly...

When I treat lice in my lice center, I don't use any toxic chemicals or special treatments because I don't want to harm my clients. It is possible to conduct a professional lice treatment at home without having to purchase any lice products. On my website, Get Rid of Lice Like a Pro!, I teach parents how to perform this professional technique on their children at their convenience.

It is explained in detail in Get Rid of Lice Like a Pro! You can learn how to get rid of lice in less than a day by following the procedures used by professionals. And it's gone for good—there are no re-treatments required, and there's no need to mess around with lice kits. Once you've performed the professional technique on your child at home, you'll have eliminated all of the lice and lice eggs in a single session, and you'll be done with lice.

That is the QUICKEST and MOST EFFECTIVE method of getting rid of lice on the head. You can find out how to do it by visiting this page.

Lice Eggs are best cooked with a flat iron.

If you are new to the world of lice, you should know that lice eggs and nits are the same thing; I use the terms interchangeably.

Flat ironing lice eggs with the goal of preventing them from hatching will never be successful. The following are the reasons...

#1- Lice Eggs Are Located Near the Scapula

The head of a woman who has lice eggs near her hairline. It is likely that the lice eggs are brand new.

It is necessary for lice to lay their eggs within a 14-inch radius of the scalp in order for the nits to mature and hatch in order for the lice to survive. Because being immediately adjacent to the scalp is so important for nits, female lice utilize a particular adhesive to attach nits to the hair strand. This glue is quite strong; lice eggs have become attached to the surface and are unable to move.

If you plan on flat ironing those nits that are close to the scalp, you will burn the top of your child's head! Because most flat irons reach temperatures of 450° F, expect serious burns and blisters. Once again, a word of caution: I have witnessed numerous lice treatments that have gone horribly wrong and ended up looking like child abuse. It's not worth it, so don't waste your time.

Question number two: What about the lice eggs that are deeper down the hair strand?

A woman who has lice eggs stuck to her hair is depicted here. The eggs are connected to the hair strand further down the length (away from her scalp). These eggs are most likely already hatched, and the woman has most certainly been infected with lice for a lengthy period of time.

If you detect a large number of lice eggs farther down the hair strand that are easily accessible with a flat iron, it is likely that you have had lice for an extended period of time. Lice eggs that are further down the hair are usually old and already hatched, indicating that lice have already left those eggs and are moving through the hair at that point. You will not get any closer to eradicating head lice by flat ironing these lice eggs that have already developed.

Lice are made worse by flat ironing.

When you flat iron lice eggs into the hair, it makes it far more difficult to remove them later on. As previously said, the only lice eggs that can be flat ironed without causing burns to the scalp are the old, hatched eggs that are deeper down the hair strand, which will not get you any closer to eliminating lice. In fact, the strong heat generated by the flat iron actually "binds" these to the hair strand, making it even more difficult to remove.