Greek Yogurt for Hair Growth

Grow With Greek Yogurt

It's packed with protein, the building block of your locks. Greek yogurt also has an ingredient that helps with blood flow to your scalp and hair growth. It's called vitamin B5 (known as pantothenic acid) and may even help against hair thinning and loss. Is yogurt good for hair growth?

If you are looking for an effective and inexpensive deep conditioner for your hair, head on over to your local supermarket and pick up a container of Yogurt! You want to get yogurt that is plain, non-flavored and with no added fruit. Regular yogurt is great for moisture but if you want a protein treatment also, pick up a container of Greek Yogurt which has double the protein as a container of regular!


Check out the benefits of what deep conditioning with yogurt can do:

leaves hair feeling soft

adds extra shine

provides extra moisture/replaces moisture in moisture lost hair Greek Yogurt for Hair Growth.

makes hair easier to detangle Greek Yogurt for Hair Growth.

helps fight frizz in warm, humid months

repair chemically processed and damaged hair (Greek Yogurt)

can promote hair growth due to the zinc and lactic acid when massaged into scalp

Natural yogurt is full of protein that offers nourishment, which the hair needs for proper growth and health. It has lactic acid that is great for cleansing the scalp and clearing away the dead skin cells to help your hair grow properly. Greek Yogurt for Hair Growth.