Diatomaceous Earth for Hair Growth

Silica has been shown to stimulate hair growth and has been used as a treatment to prevent balding. Taking just 1 tablespoon of food-grade Diatomaceous Earth daily gives you enough silica to support healthy, strong hair. I'd been taking Diatomaceous Earth (food-grade ONLY of course)

I just thought I'd share a little of my story. I, like many others, have been battling hair loss for quite some time now. In my early years my hair was so thick that I had to have it "thinned" every three months.

Then I got sick with thyroid issues and stress and many other things.

My hair started thinning. It sucked. In my late 20s I had my kid and my hormones went haywire. It got to the point that I didn't want to leave the house due to my hair loss. It wasn't patchy but it was noticeably thinner. I could see my scalp everywhere. I tried every over the counter hairless goop, herbal remedies, hair growth oils, etc. Nothing was working.

There would be some very slight changes and then it would go back to falling out. I read somewhere about diatomaceous earth being a miracle. I thought it was just hype and internet lies so I moved on and tried many other supplements. Still nothing worked. Depression set in and almost all hope was gone. Then this spring I came across diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous Earth for Hair Growth.