Titanium Flat Iron Guide

A hair straightener is a fairly straightforward device. Two flat plates that heat up and then clamp down on your hair to force your follicles into silky, smooth submission. However, even though all hair straightener are designed in basically the same way, not every hair straightener is created equal. Not in quality. Definitely not in price.

One key – and very important – difference has to do with the material from which the heating plates are made. Ceramic, titanium and tourmaline ceramic are all words you’ll hear or read about when you start shopping for your next hair straightener.

Flat irons/hair straighteners that utilize titanium for the plate material are another excellent hair straightener option. Titanium is a lustrous metallic element found in igneous rocks and renowned for its strength, durability, low weight and super heat conductivity.

Titanium Flat Iron Guide

Titanium flat irons/hair straightener allow for faster heat transfer, which means even more immediate and superior results, no matter the hair’s condition.

But titanium flat irons/hair straighteners are not just about speed. They are also some of the most durable straighteners on the market. They are very scratch resistant and exceptionally durable especially under high heat.

Titanium Flat Iron Guide Reviews

Titanium also offers very even heat distribution, meaning more overall straightening surface and fewer passes over your hair. titanium flat iron Reduced Heat Damage to Hair

You may not use a styling iron often to keep your hair from getting dried out and straw-like. With a Titanium straightener, you don't have to worry about frying your locks. The Titanium plates gently handle hair and leave it glossy and beautiful every time, with every pass. Titanium Flat Iron Guide