Prenatal Vitamins Hair Growth Before and After Pictures

Do prenatal vitamins help with hair growth? How much do prenatal vitamins help hair growth?

Specifically, prenatals are packed with folic acid (the synthetic form of folate), a B vitamin that's responsible for healthy cell growth (which includes skin, hair, and nails!). Most prenatal supplements contain 600 micrograms of it; the amount recommended per day for pregnant women.

The word on the street is that prenatals can give you glossy, vibrant, and strong hair, but do prenatal vitamins even have anything to do with hair health? Don’t fret; we’re here to break down the science behind these claims.

Who can benefit from taking prenatal vitamins for growing hair?

While prenatal vitamins are typically reserved for pregnant women or those trying to conceive, other people may be able to benefit from taking prenatal vitamins as well. More specifically, anyone in need of larger doses of vitamins due to various deficiencies.

Can prenatal vitamins support hair health?

The short answer is yes, but that’s not what they’re intended to do. Prenatal vitamins are multivitamins with added ingredients to support a growing baby. Prenatal vitamins are specifically formulated to support a healthy pregnancy, not hair health. That being said, hair health—including hair thickness, color, and strength is somewhat impacted by diet and nutrition overall. Micronutrients play an important, but not entirely clear, role in normal hair follicle development and immune cell function. Certain vitamins and minerals are beneficial for maintaining different properties in the body, including hair, skin and nails.

Some women use prenatal vitamins for hair growth because hair tends to grow longer during pregnancy. Women tend to enjoy the full and healthy locks that accompany pregnancy. However, soon after the baby is born, their hair returns to normal or begins to shed more than usual. Prenatal vitamins are an essential part of prenatal care and are packed with many nutrients, many that are beneficial for hair growth; however, this drastic change in growth patterns is not completely due to the vitamins. There are some natural and hormonal changes that come along with pregnancy that account for the bountiful hair growth that takes place.

How pregnancy benefits hair

When a woman becomes pregnant, her body becomes “oxygen-rich” in order to properly deliver nutrients to her developing baby. Blood circulation becomes extremely high in order to adapt to the metabolic needs of the embryo. This increased circulation also helps transport oxygen and nutrients to the scalp and follicles. During pregnancy, the body also becomes “estrogen-rich.” Estrogen levels regulate the length of the hair growth phase. When estrogen is high, hairs will stay in the growth (anagen) phase much longer before entering the shedding (telogen) phase. This temporarily “locks” all of the hair in the growth phase. This may be why many women experience faster hair growth during pregnancy.

When a woman is pregnant, all of the hairs that would have normally entered into the shedding phase are locked into the growth phase. This makes hair grow longer and fuller. After the baby is born, women typically experience shedding, because hormones return to normal levels about three months after a woman gives birth. Don’t be alarmed – there are ways to combat the shedding.

What can I do to get longer, healthier hair without prenatal vitamins for hair growth?

Hairfinity Healthy Hair Vitamins are formulated to promote healthy hair by filling in the gaps left by your regular diet and provide your body with the nutrition it needs to grow healthy hair from the inside out.

Steps to Take to Achieve and Retain Growth

Nourish from the Inside Out – Using a supplement such as Hairfinity Healthy Hair Vitamins will help fill in the gaps left by your regular diet and provide your body with the nutrition it needs to grow healthy hair from the Inside Out.

Stop Hair Breakage – By following the hair care techniques in Secrets for Faster Hair Growth, you can minimize your hair breakage and allow your hair to reach its maximum length.

How do vitamins support hair growth

Different vitamins and minerals can help regulate or support the body’s production and maintenance of proteins, AKA the building blocks of hair. When you consistently provide your body with the appropriate nutrients, it keeps many different processes working efficiently, resulting in healthier organs, and in return, healthy skin and hair.

Some claim that taking prenatal vitamins makes hair grow thicker or faster, and that nails could grow faster or stronger too. But according to the Mayo Clinic, these claims haven't been proven. Taking prenatal vitamins for better hair or nails likely won't bring the desired results. Why prenatal vitamins make hair grow?

A prime example is folic acid. “Prenatal vitamins have a lot of folic acid, which can help hair grow longer and stronger,