How to Care for 4C Hair

How to Care for 4C Hair Daily


Even if you have low porosity hair, 4C curly hair needs to be kept moisturized. The kinks and coils of 4C curls prevent the distribution of sebum (natural oil produced by your scalp) throughout your hair. Breakage and Knots

Another sign your hair is healthy is that it maintains its thickness from the root to the ends, explains Durham. Learn How to Care for 4C Hair Daily. This is a sign of minimal breakage and strong cuticles. "Some of the signs to look for are breakage when washing or detangling and single-strand fairy knots. That's a nickname for knots that form in a single strand of hair. They tend to occur more frequently on curly or coily hair, which can more easily tangle and loop around itself. Avoiding fairy knots boils down to getting your hair trimmed every four months or so, protecting your hair overnight (more on that later), and providing your curls with adequate moisture (since moisturized hair is more smooth and slippery, and is then less likely to become tangled).

How to Choose 4C-Friendly Hair Products This allows your hair to dry out faster than other curl patterns, so you need to take extra precautions to keep your hair moisturized. Find a good moisturizer AND a good sealant. Learn How to Care for 4C Hair Daily. Now you are probably wondering, what are the best products to keep your 4C hair healthy, moisturized, and looking its best? The products you use on your 4C hair must provide moisture.


Suave Sulfate-Free Cleansing Shampoo is a great cleanser for your kinky curls. This sulfate-free moisturizing shampoo for natural hair has been formulated as a curl enhancer and to make the hair easy to detangle while taming frizz and enhancing shine.

We recommend the Hydrating Avocado Kiwi Moisturizer and Avocado Kiwi Oil Blend for this purpose. Learn How to Care for 4C Hair Daily. Oils like coconut oil and olive oil, and creams like Shea butter are also effective at sealing moisture in your hair. And if you wear a protective style, don’t forget to moisturize regularly! Learn How to Care for 4C Hair Daily.

How to Care for 4C Hair Daily The Smart Way

What is 4C Hair?

4C hair has the tightest curls of all hair patterns, with hairs forming tight s's, z's or coils. 4C hair shares many of the other characteristics of type 4 hair, and of course, individuals with 4C hair can have different hair densities and porosities, which changes how your hair behaves. However, these are some of the defining qualities of 4C hair: How can you care and grow 4C hair?

When you are on a journey to grow your 4C hair to maximum length, the key isn't just to grow your hair but to also retain that length you have achieved.

If you don't do a good job of retaining your length by keeping it healthy, your hair will likely break off and you would lose all the hard work you put in. Because we don't want that happening, I will be sharing tips you can use to care and grow your hair while also retaining your length.

1. Shampoo often

To get your hair to grow and thrive, you will need to shampoo every 2-4 weeks. This keeps your scalp and hair clean, takes away any product buildup, and allows moisture back into the hair.

When washing your hair, go for a sulfate-free shampoo that wouldn't dry out your hair or alternate with a co-wash routine sometimes. This will prevent a tangled mass of hair and eventual hair breakage.

Hair dries out quickly, or struggles to maintain moisture more than other curl patterns

Individuals can experience extreme shrinkage, sometimes up to 75%! Being a curly girl is a trip — through the best and worst of times, it requires a commitment to caring for your curls and keeping them healthy.

I can attest. About four years ago, I made the decision to cut my damaged and chemically-altered hair over my bathroom sink, in hopes of joining the naturalista brigade and embracing my 4C texture — tightly coiled strands that fall into the zig-zag pattern category. Since then, I've fallen in love with my 4C curls and my daily maintenance feels like an act of self-love rather than a chore. Learn How to Care for 4C Hair Daily.

Hair is prone to tangles and matting if not properly cared for and regularly detangled

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  • how to deep condition 4c hair

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Hair is fragile and prone to breakage

So how do you address the unique challenges (and enjoy the unique beauty!) that come with 4C hair?


You may not have come across this tip before but head massages are wonderful for keeping the circulation going on through your scalp.

Blood flow helps your hair to grow. How to Keep Your 4C Hair Thriving, According to Hairstylists

Hairstylists explain how to select products, assess your hair's health, and structure your haircare routine when you have 4C hair. Using oils on your hair can actually dry it out because it blocks the hydration," says agrees, and suggests applying natural oils directly to your scalp, once or twice a week.

The Best 4C Hair Routine

Ok, now to perfect your daytime and overnight curl routines. both recommend washing your 4C hair once every two weeks. "When it comes to 4C hair texture, it's all about good old TLC — condition, condition, condition," adds. You should be deep conditioning your hair every time you wash it, if not more by using the co-wash method (washing with conditioner only and no shampoo) between wash days. Learn How to Care for 4C Hair Daily.

For those with 4C hair looking for a deep conditioner to try This gives the hair its unique characteristic of tightness, softness, proneness to breakage, and potential dryness." In general, 4C hair needs a lot of moisture and hydration in order to thrive, says bob. While type 4C natural hair can range and vary in terms of the tightness of the curl, coils are a major indicator that you have 4C hair.

How to Determine If Your 4C Hair Is Healthy

It pays to assess the current state of your hair, so you can care for it best. "Healthy 4C hair has a soft texture and shiny curls," says Moore. Here are a few other indicators of your hair's health.


Women of color have moved way from relaxers over the past half-decade and have fully embraced their glorious, thick, kinky, coily 4C textured hair. The 4C hair texture is some of the most beautiful hair you will ever see, and millions of women worldwide have it. The primary hurdle with heavily textured hair is managing it. Maintenance of your newfound texture that has been tucked away in braids or covered by wigs is an enlightened discovery and sometimes intricate process to learn. It appears strong, yet it is very fragile. If not handled with loving care, 4C hair is prone to extreme breakage, tangling, and dryness. It takes time to cultivate and grow 4C hair texture as well. Many women get frustrated while growing out of a short bob cut or a big chop. This frustration keeps many women from wanting to get their hair trimmed. They want to hold on to their hair, even when their ends might be considered damaged. The bottom line is the length makes you feel psychologically good, but one of the worst things you can do to your hair is refraining from trimming. Regular trims are vital, along with a few things you can do on your own.

Check out how you can maintain your 4C hair at home.


Hair Porosity

A sign that your hair is healthy is that it's able retain moisture

When I had my TWA (teeny weeny afro) I used to get my husband to do these all the time for me. They really are the best thing ever! Learn How to Care for 4C Hair Daily.

If you don’t have anyone to do it for you just do it yourself.

When trying out protective styles, you should only leave it in for about 4-8 weeks or learn to take breaks in between styling. After you take out an old-style, don't put your hair back into a new protective style instead wash your hair and allow it to breathe. How to Care for 4C Hair Daily

How to Care for 4C Hair Daily for Black Hair

4C hair is recognized as one of the hair types within the type 4 range and is known to be very tightly curled. It is essential to understand that each head of hair is different. Some people with this hair will have curl definition, and others will not. Definition

For styling, try out the Suave Curl Defining Cream. Learn How to Care for 4C Hair Daily. This curl cream has a creamy formula that will help enhance your natural curl pattern while also adding moisture and shine. Try it on a twist out, braid out and so much more! If you need to refresh your hair after the second day, try out these cute hairstyles below. FINGER DETANGLE

Finger detangling or finger combing for me has been the one thing that helped my hair to see so much more growth. Learn How to Care for 4C Hair Daily.

When you finger detangle you can feel if a strand of hair is about to snap and avoid it.

It takes time to learn how to finger detangle but the more you do it the more you will get used to doing it.


Trimming your hair might seem to be counterproductive at first but the benefits of trimming really are great. Learn How to Care for 4C Hair Daily.

When you trim off your split ends you encourage your hair to grow much more healthily.

Split ends tend to travel up the hair shaft. You might think that by not trimming it you are holding on to length but in fact, the reverse is true because the split ends will travel and cause more damage and breakage to your hair strands.

If you are going to trim your hair make sure you do it with professional scissors like these ones otherwise you will cause more damage than good. Learn How to Care for 4C Hair Daily.

How to Care for 4C Hair Daily. 4C hair tends to clump together into tight coils which causes it to tangle often. These tangles can lead to breakage and discourage optimal hair growth.

The best way to prevent this is by finger detangling your hair often. Finger detangling might take longer to do than using a comb but it works best for when you run into knots or strands that are about to snap off. With this method, you would experience less breakage and damage to your hair. Deep condition your hair

Your 4C hair will thrive with regular deep conditioning treatments. Deep conditioning provides your hair with moisture, nourishes, and keeps your hair looking healthy and shiny.The pores in your scalp also open up, which stimulates hair growth. Level up the process by using peppermint or eucalyptus based conditioner before steaming. Make sure you rinse all of the conditioner entirely out before steaming your hair.

Here are some hair steaming tips:

Make sure you thoroughly cleanse your hair from product buildup. We recommend you use a clarifying shampoo to get off all of the residues.

Do not use a heavy conditioner. You want to make sure nothing is blocking the water particles from penetrating the hair shaft.

Add six drops of lavender essential oil to your steam machine and create your own spa experience in your home's comforts while your hair enjoys much-needed attention.

Stay under the steamer no more than 15 to 20 minutes.

Add a leave-in spray conditioner. Make sure it's a light-weight and not a cream spray leave-in conditioner.

Towel dry and style your hair accordingly.


A well-moisturized hair wouldn't tangle or break off, that way you get to grow your hair and still retain length. You can try a deep conditioning treatment every 2 weeks or once a month.

Also, when finger detangling, use a product that has enough slip, it will save time and make it easier for knots and tangles to unravel by itself.

Protective styling with breaks How to Care for 4C Hair Daily

It is easy to leave your hair in a protective style like braids or twists for months and assume it is growing and thriving. When your hair is in a protective style for months, it isn't getting moisturized often and this would lead to it breaking off. How to Care for 4C Hair Daily