Kinky Hair Guide

In all honesty, this issue doesn’t apply only to 4c. It can apply to the Type 4 spectrum in general. However, short 4c kinky hair tends to get the brunt of the negativity, so that’s what we’re sticking with.

Why Is Kinky Hair Such A Big Deal?

Young african american plus size woman over grey grunge wall wearing fashion sunglasses clueless and confused expression with arms and hands raised. Doubt concept.

This is a question I hear people ask sometimes even though they already know the answer. If you read between the lines, what they’re really asking is: “ Why is kinky hair STILL a big deal, and more specifically, why is short kinky hair still a big deal?” Those are really good questions, so what’s the answer?

The answer is that there are too many stereotypes surrounding kinky Black hair. Afro hair is seen as unkempt, unmanageable, unruly, and a whole lot of other “un’s”. The thinking is that if your hair is long, it’s automatically beautiful. Your hair can look and feel like shredded paper, but you still have something going for you if it’s long. If it’s short, then please let it be straightened.

Short 4c hair bothers people because it goes against that narrative. You have the audacity, the nerve to be who you are AND go against the beauty standard. In fact, you and your kinky-haired glory created a new standard of beauty. Not everyone can do that.

How People Respond To 4c hair

While we’ve given new labels for afro hair, we still have ways to go when it comes to changing our mindsets. In my experience, people have an all or nothing response to 4c hair. They either love it or they hate it. If they love it, then they appreciate the fact that you’re confident enough to show your natural features.