Argan Oil for Hair Straightening

Using Argan Oil on Your Hair Before Flat Ironing and Other Unknown Hairstyle Tips

Smooth, gleaming, svelte, and straight. With this elegant hairdo, you can look good in practically any situation. Indeed, you could even wear a sack and still look fantastic! Unfortunately, achieving the desired results when straightening your hair can be difficult. To make it work, you must master the appropriate technique and apply Argan oil to your hair prior to flat ironing. Yes, you read that correctly. Applying Argan oil to your hair before to flat ironing might assist you in achieving the desired look – every time!

What Are Straightening Hair Oils?

In simple terms, the hair oils that we utilize at any stage of our tresses' straightening procedure are referred to as hair straightening oils.

Applying hair oil is critical since it not only preserves the health and beauty of your tresses, but also revitalizes your scalp, promoting active hair development.

There are numerous oils available on the market for treating your hair, but not all of them are good for straightening, as each hair oil has its own unique qualities and works differently on the scalp and hairs. That is why you must exercise caution and have a thorough understanding of hair oils before purchasing one for your hair straightening procedure.

When Is It Appropriate To Use Oil During The Straightening Hair Process?

Although there is a widespread belief that adding oil before or after hairstyling would spoil the style and leave your tresses looking flat, lifeless, and uninteresting, this is a complete myth and inaccurate. Indeed, you should massage oil into your hair on a regular basis to keep it strong, silky, and smooth, as well as to protect it from the harsh heat used to straighten it. As a result, you should use appropriate oils both before and after hair straightening to ensure that your manes are properly cared for.

Applying Oil to Hair Before Straightening

Is It Safe to Apply Oil to Your Hair Before Straightening It?

Applying Oil to Hair Before Straightening

This may be the most contentious question among hair enthusiasts, as there are numerous debates over whether you should apply oil to your tresses prior to styling. Let us set the record straight once and for all: yes, you can apply oil to your hair locks prior to ironing them, but you must be cautious and selective because not all hair oils are suitable for the "before hair straightening" regime; certain natural oils can actually fry your pre-straightened tresses.

Thus, it is critical that you learn which oil is recommended by hair professionals to apply to your tresses before to flat ironing them.

Which Oil Is Best for Straightening Hair?

Argan oil, according to several renowned hair specialists, is the greatest product to apply to your precious tresses before to your hair straightening session.

Another reason to prefer argan oil over other hair oils (with a low smoke point) for "before hair straightening" is that these oils produce large amounts of free radicals, flammable gases, and other harmful chemicals when they reach their smoke point; this property has the potential to have disastrous effects on your manes if applied prior to using any hot styling tools for gorgeous hairstyles.

After Straightening Your Hair, Apply Oil

To keep ourselves looking sharp, trendy, and presentable, we frequently dress up our hair locks with flexible styles; nevertheless, we frequently forget that styling our tresses with hot tools on a daily basis may cause irreversible harm to them and result in serious hair loss.

Below, we've discussed the causes and symptoms of damage to our tresses caused by hair straightening, how the right oil can help eliminate these damages, and which oils are the best for after straightening hair, so you'll be prepared to take care of your priceless manes following the styling process.

The Causes and Symptoms of Straightening Hair Damage

Several of the most prevalent indicators of hair damage that individuals may have as a result of consistently straightening their manes include the following:

Dehydration, Frizz, and Breakage

When you use high heat on your hair on a daily basis to get luscious straightened locks, you may be unaware that the heat strips the moisture and nourishment from your tresses, leaving them excessively dry, frizzy, and prone to breakage. Argan Oil for Straightening Hair

Argan Oil with Flat Iron: A Match Made in Heaven

Why should you use Argan oil on your hair prior to flat ironing it? To be honest, the reason is fairly straightforward. Argan oil is a nutrient-dense oil that contains antioxidants, vital fatty acids, and vitamin E. It nourishes your hair from the inside out while also protecting it from heat damage.

Additionally, Argan oil has a high smoke point or point of combustion (the temperature at which the oil starts producing a continuous blue smoke). Unlike other natural oils that begin to degrade at temperatures of 300oF or less, Argan oil can endure greater temperatures (smoke point = 420oF), allowing it to be used safely as a heat protectant. You will not fry your hair when using a straightening iron or curling wand if you use Argan oil. Isn't that what you've been searching for the entire time?

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Does this indicate that you can style your hair with any other oil? To be brief, the answer is no. Hair specialists do not recommend using low-burning natural oils since they generate large amounts of free radicals and other hazardous compounds when heated above their smoke thresholds. They can also generate combustible vapors, which means that applying them to your hair while utilizing hot styling products can result in disaster.

Are you beginning to realize why Argan oil has become the industry's gold standard for hair and skin care? That is only the beginning. Here are some other reasons why Argan oil is superior when it comes to heat styling your hair.

Argan oil facilitates styling.

It aids in the prevention of split ends and hair breakage.

It replenishes the hair strands with moisture and makes hair more manageable.

Your hair will be smoother and shinier as a result.

Straighten It Out Perfectly! How to Flat Iron Your Hair in a Professional Manner

You cannot simply switch on your flat iron and run it through your hair and expect to achieve the desired results. That is not how it works. To achieve lustrous, silky soft, and straight hair, you must first learn how to properly style it. Adhere to this no-fail step-by-step guide and you will be pleasantly surprised with the outcomes.

Before ironing, carefully clean your hair. Use a smoothing or moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to remove debris and residue from previous products while replenishing your hair with much-needed hydration. argan oil prior to using a flat iron

Correctly dry it. Avoid forcefully rubbing your hair with a towel to prevent frizz. Rather than that, squeeze extra moisture from hair and gently pat it dry with a microfiber towel, then allow it to air dry (up to 80 percent dry) before blow drying. Consider wet wrapping your hair to create volume and shape if you have a lot of time on your hands. If you're pressed for time and cannot wait to dry your hair before styling it, you can rough dry it until it's approximately 80% dry and then air dry or blow dry it for a silkier finish. Simply ensure that the nozzle is pointing downward otherwise you will end up with a horrible frizz.

Protect your hair with a conditioner. By using Argan oil to your hair before to flat ironing, you can protect your strands from the heat, add hydration and luster, and minimize frizz all at once! Apply protectant to damp hair for the greatest results.

Hair should be sectioned. Rather than collecting random clumps of hair, iron one part of hair at a time. Sections should be between one and two inches thick to allow for easy straightening with fewer passes. Utilize a clip to secure the upper layer of hair and begin working on the lower layer's parts. Glide the straightening iron from the roots to the ends in a fluid and steady motion. Iron one part at a once, getting as close to the roots as possible with the straightener.

Finish with a high-quality serum. After you're finished, run a hair serum through your hair to add shine and tame any errant flyaways.


Ascertain that your hair is capable of withstanding the heat. You can only achieve the desired effects if you begin with completely healthy hair. Hair that is well-conditioned and moisturized can withstand heat without being damaged, however heat styling dry, brittle hair can have disastrous repercussions.

The race is won by the slow and steady. Flat ironing works best when you are not pressed for time, so allow enough time to do it properly.

Utilize the appropriate brush. Rather than using a plastic brush, opt for one made of boar bristles and nylon for a smoother finish.

Utilize the most effective instrument. Why would you use a standard hair straightener when you can use something more advanced? The Argan Oil Vapor Flat IronTM is a cutting-edge, professional-style hair straightening equipment with a revolutionary and restorative infusion vapor technology that gives intense structural conditioning to your hair.

Use Argan Oil on Your Hair Before You Flat Iron It for Perfectly Straight Hair

When you use your straightening iron, you want to achieve flawlessly straight, smooth, and manageable hair. That is why you must style it with a high-quality Argan oil heat protectant. Please keep in mind, however, that not all Argan oil hair care products are equal.

If you want to ensure that you're obtaining the best hair care products on the market today, try The Ultimate Moroccan Argan Oil! We have everything you need to maintain healthy hair.