Can Hair Loss Due to Hormonal Imbalance Be Reversed

Can Hair Loss Due to Hormonal Imbalance Be Reversed. The most common types of hair loss are telogen effluvium and alopecia areata. Although it’s more common than alopecia areata, telogen effluvium is less severe.

What the heck does Telogen effluvium mean?

Telogen effluvium occurs when the hair follicles stop growing and lie dormant and fall out within two to three months. Telogen effluvium is often caused by stress, trauma or medications, hair growth is typically restored within 6 month.

Menopause is a time of extreme hormonal changes that typically occurs around the late 40s and early 50s. After menopause, many different physical symptoms can appear, including menopausal hair loss. These symptoms can also include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, insomnia, and vaginal dryness. Can Hair Loss Due to Hormonal Imbalance Be Reversed.

Much more serious is alopecia areata.

This type of hair loss happens when white blood cells attack hair follicles, causing the hair to thin and fall out, usually in round patches. This type of hair loss will require treatment as hair may not grow back. Other hormonal imbalances such as thyroid problems and genetic hormonal responses to autoimmune conditions can also cause thinning of the hair and premature balding in women.

Men aren’t the only ones who have to worry about losing their beloved hair. While it may be more common among men, hair loss in women isn’t as rare as you might think. It’s estimated that hair loss affects 50% of women at some point during their life.

The leading cause for hair loss in women is genetics, stress, hormonal imbalance and trauma

While you can be genetically cursed with “not so thick locks”, stress and hormonal imbalance will certainly bring out the worst! So you had 10 hairs to start with now you have 3 hairs left. Ok all jokes aside. Hair loss is dramatic to all people that experience it. Hormonal Imbalance and Hair Loss

Stress and Hair Loss

Although women don’t have nearly as much testosterone as men, when women undergo intense stress, the adrenal glands become overworked due to an increased need for the “stress hormone” known as cortisol. This causes the body to produce more adrenaline and testosterone, and DHT, a stronger variant of testosterone. The increased production of these hormones can sometimes cause the hair to fall out due to the resulting hormone imbalance. Can Hair Loss Due to Hormonal Imbalance Be Reversed. Androgens & Testosterone:

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Androgens and testosterone are the male sex hormones. Unlike the female sex hormones, these masculine counterparts promote hair loss. In women, high levels of testosterone can cause hair growth on the face, chest, and neck, while at the same time causing hair loss on the scalp. Higher levels of testosterone also result in higher levels of Dihydrotestosterne, a derivative of testosterone that shrinks hair follicles. For women on birth control or hormone therapy, pills or medications with a high androgen index can cause the presence of increased male hormones and subsequent hair loss. Proceed cautiously with any treatment that alters the balance of your hormones, and always consult your doctor to find the birth control that works best for your body.

The two most common causes for Hair Loss in Women

At times, testosterone gets converted to DHT — when this happens it suppresses hair growth, where men want it the most — on their head. The result is male pattern baldness (MPB). This is the most common condition that trichologists treat at the clinic.

Testosterone effects normally remain subdued in women due to higher concentration of oestrogen. However, as oestrogen levels fall (such as after pregnancy, ovarian cysts or menopause), testosterone effects start to show — resulting in female pattern baldness.

As these hormone levels drop, hair may begin to grow more slowly and become thinner. Can Hair Loss Due to Hormonal Imbalance Be Reversed. Over time, the decrease in estrogen and progesterone causes an increase in the activity of male hormones (called androgens) that the body makes. Androgens cause the hair follicles on the head to shrink, which leads to hair loss. These are the same hormones that are responsible for increased facial hair growth in menopausal people.

Can Hair Loss Due to Hormonal Imbalance Be Reversed Fast

Can Alopecia Be Reversed?

Whether your hair loss is caused by hormones or an autoimmune disorder, regrowing your hair by using new medications and modifying your diet can be possible as long as you start treatment early.

With age, the ovaries begin to decrease the amount of sex hormones that are normally produced. As the body responds to the fluctuations in hormones, numerous physical changes occur. Menopausal hair loss is directly related to the decreased production of estrogen and progesterone. Can Hair Loss Due to Hormonal Imbalance Be Reversed.

Testosterone is predominantly a male hormone, although women also produce small quantities of it. The hormone separates the men from the boys, with typical growth of thick hair on the body — especially on the chest, abdomen, arms, legs and face.

If a hormonal imbalance is the culprit, prescribe bioidentical hormones in the form of creams and tablets made by a compounding pharmacy to help you bring your hormone levels back to optimal level and therefore effectively treat hormonal hair loss.

While you cannot fight your genes, you can fight the issues of aging and hormonal imbalance by using bioidentical hormones to not only prevent further hair loss, but also to regrow hair that you’ve already lost. Let us help you give your hair what it needs to grow thick and healthy. The team are experts when it comes to BHRT. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Estrogen & Progesterone:

Estrogen and progesterone are the two main hormones of female reproduction. At the correct levels, estrogen helps control your energy levels, mood stabilization, and a healthy sex drive. The two female sex hormones also promote hair growth, which is why we commonly associate hair loss with men, who maintain lower estrogen levels. But too much of a good thing creates its own problems: when the levels of estrogen in the body become too high, it causes hair thinning. During pregnancy, a woman’s estrogen levels peak and dip, often resulting in short-term hair loss until the hormone level evens out. This phenomenon also occurs during menopause, when hormone levels start to drop. Increased estrogen levels are caused by weight gain (excess body fat), high stress, environmental exposure to chemicals that disrupt hormone systems, and poor gut health.

Hair loss is not as prevalent in women because women have more estrogen than men and that in turn helps balance out the effects of androgens, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), that typically lead to female hair loss. Can Hair Loss Due to Hormonal Imbalance Be Reversed.

The question is, wouldn’t it be great to not only grow new hair but also prevent future hair loss? The sooner you address the symptoms of hair loss, the more likely you are to prevent irreversible damage. Speak to a medical professional today to begin your journey to a fuller head of hair.

Can Hair Loss Due to Hormonal Imbalance Be Reversed Quickly

There are many different types of hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male and female pattern baldness, is related to hormones and characterized by a receding hairline; alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that attacks the hair follicles, and scarring alopecia is related to inflammation. Can Hair Loss Due to Hormonal Imbalance Be Reversed.

Hair loss in women is largely attributed to hormonal imbalance, as it is in men and is one of the lesser known and less common menopause symptoms. Treating Hair Loss in Women

If you’re suffering from hair loss and you are over 40, or just had a baby, chances are hormones are to blame. The tests used by Dr. Shafer tests your female hormones: estrogen, testosterone, thyroid hormones and cortisol are just a few that can determine if your hair loss is hormonal or genetic. Your body is an intelligent system. So when it’s under stress due to hormonal imbalances, like fluctuating thyroid levels, it redirects energy used for noncritical processes (hair growth) to more important matters at hand (balancing your hormones). Low thyroid is often the cause of that thinning scalp some women get as they age. Can Hair Loss Due to Hormonal Imbalance Be Reversed.