Blow Dryers for Natural Kinky Hair

Apply a good heat protectant and thoroughly detangle

A heat protectant preps your hair for the heat so if you don’t have one in your arsenal already make sure you have one. I use the Chi Heat Protectant spray, easy to use and helps get me through the detangling process. Detangle using a wide tooth com starting from the ends of your hair and working your way up to the root. When you have finished detangling a section, clip the section away so you know which areas have been complete. Detangling will make the blow drying process much easier and it will reduce the snags you encounter.

Best blow dryer for natural black 4c kinky hair blowouts are lauded for their versatility. They can serve as the base for a variety of hairdos (bedazzled ponytail, anyone?) or can be worn as is. On natural hair, the blowouts of today aren't expected to make the hair bone straight—while it does loosen the hair some, you'll still get a textured result with this method. After all, a blowouts primary function is to stretch the hair, and this can make room for a number of hairstyles including topknots, braids, and even hair jewelry.