African Herbs for Hair Growth

African Herbs for Hair Growth

There’s no magic bullet for growing hair, but research has shown some herbs may slow hair loss or help promote new growth. It’s important to note however, that much of the research has been done on animals. Additional studies are needed to prove their effectiveness on humans.

Keep reading to learn how herbal remedies may be used to help improve your hair growth. Be sure to talk to your doctor before adding herbs to your daily routine, especially if your hair loss is caused by a medical condition.

Herbal hair oils

Hair oils, also called hair tonics, are herbal extracts mixed in a carrier oil base. Some hair oils include multiple herbs and carrier oils.

Popular carrier oils used to make herbal oils are:

Aloe Vera is one of the most used and recommended Ayurvedic natural remedy for hair fall. When used consistently, it can prevent hair thinning and promote hair growth.

Benefits of Aloe Vera on 4C hair

Aloe Vera is packed with amino acids and proteolytic enzymes which efficiently improves scalp health and boosts hair growth.

The proteolytic enzyme in Aloe Vera helps in unclogging your hair follicles by clearing all the dead cells that block them. This gives a chance for the nutrients present in the Aloe Vera extract to nourish your hair follicles hence promoting an increased growth rate.

Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties which soothes an irritated scalp.

Its antifungal properties enable the clearing of dandruff and flaking from your scalp.

The moisture content of Aloe Vera conditions your hair as a result softening it. This reduces constant breakage consequently ensuring that your hair remains thick and voluminous.

Aloe Vera extracts are alkaline and therefore on application to your hair it helps to maintain a pH balance. For best results, you should use freshly extracted Aloe Vera gel. African Herbs for Hair Growth.

How to extract Aloe Vera gel

Slice a freshly cut Aloe Vera leaf. Using a spoon scoop the gel out from the pulpy area. Put the extracted gel into a food processor to give it an even consistency. If you don’t have access to an Aloe Vera plant, you can purchase organic Aloe Vera Gel here.

Amla/Indian Gooseberry

Best Herbs for hair growth- Amla Indian Gooseberry

Amla, also known as the Indian Gooseberry, is a fruit that contains a lot of vitamin C and other antioxidants. Amla can be used in different forms but its oil works best. Massaging your scalp with Amla hot oil helps increase blood circulation enabling efficient production of your hair’s natural oils.This promotes a healthy hair look. African Herbs for Hair Growth.

Benefits of Amla on natural hair

The Vitamins C and other antioxidants present in Amla help in collagen production. Collagen boosts the rate at which hair grows and strengthens your strands making them less prone to breakage.

coconut oil

sweet almond oil

walnut oil

olive oil

mineral oil

jojoba oil

wheat germ oil

Some herbs used in herbal hair oils are:

Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis): Chinese hibiscus is an evergreen shrub. Its edible, vibrant flowers are often used to make herbal tea. Hibiscus is thought to help stimulate hair follicles, increase follicle size, and increase hair growth.

Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri): Brahmi, also called bacopa, is a creeping herb used in Ayurveda medicine. It contains alkaloids thought to activate proteins responsible for hair growth. African Herbs for Hair Growth

Coat buttons (Tridax procumbent):Coat buttons is a creeping Ayurvedic herb and member of the daisy family. It contains antioxidants and promotes hair growth on its own and in synergy with other herbs. African Herbs for Hair Growth

Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi):Jatamansi is a small shrub whose rhizomes may speed hair growth. It’s been shown to increase hair growth in alopecia caused by chemotherapy.

Ginseng (Panax ginseng): Ginseng is an age-old natural remedy for many conditions, including hair loss. It contains saponins, which are believed to encourage hair growth by inhibiting 5a reductase. This is an enzyme related to hair loss in men. African Herbs for Hair Growth