Foods For Hair Growth

Can Going Vegan Prevent Hair Loss?

In the past, reports have linked a vegan diet to an increased risk of hair loss. But actually, the link is really with poor nutrition.

Telogen effluvium, characterized by excessive shedding, is the second most common form of hair loss. A number of factors can lead to the temporary condition. These include hormones, physical trauma, some forms of medicine, and nutritional deficiencies. This is why some vegans with poor nutrition may be more vulnerable to developing telogen effluvium. In order to cover the need for vital substances, a balanced diet is particularly suitable. In particular, foods rich in iron, zinc, B vitamins and copper should never be missed in terms of vigorous hair growth.

Experience teaches us that people with poor hair growth often suffer from defects. A while back, French researchers carried out a study on women who were experiencing hair loss and found that 60% of the women with hair loss suffered from significant iron deficiency.

This is why I always advise that if you are experiencing poor hair growth or thinning hair, a blood test should first be performed by your doctor first to rule out iron deficiency. Iron deficiency is a potentially life-threatening condiiton, that can easily be rectified with vitamin supplementation. Your doctor can check both your thyroid and iron levels are determined.

An uptake of vitamins through supplementation is advised, especially in our modern day society, where much of the food available is processed. If there is a deficiency, of course, a change in diet is also advised.

Foods For Hair Growth Connection Between Nutrition & Fast Natural Hair Growth

Have you ever noticed that when you are hungry, you can sometimes feel very dizzy, or even angry? But once you eat you are a bit more jolly and calm. The effects nutrition has on the body is immense. Without nutrition, our bodies cannot function, and this is the same case with our hair. But it can take a while to notice the effects a lack of the right nutrition has on hair.

No doubt, for fast and healthy natural hair growth, a continuous supply of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals is essential. A vitamin- or nutrient-rich diet is a prerequisite for hair to grow faster and stronger. Without vital substances, the hair follicles cannot form hair.

“If you’re not eating enough of the correct foods, or your body is not absorbing enough of the nutrients, this can result in excessive shedding,” trichologist Anabel Kingsley told Business Insider. “Even if you’re only slightly deficient in a nutrient, the body withholds this from the hair first.”

But it’s not just vegans that suffer from nutritional deficiencies. Research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that almost 10 percent of Americans have at least one.

Eating a healthy, balanced plant-based diet, rich in whole foods, is beneficial for your hair because it’s high in essential vitamins and minerals, says physician Dr. Angela Eakin. It may reduce the risk of hair loss and help you grow stronger, healthier hair Foods For Hair Growth.