Celery Juice Benefits for Hair Growth

Do you know the amazing benefits of Celery juice for hair growth? Celery is a very popular ingredient of salads, which is basically used for garnishing. It has pleasant taste and flavor which makes eating experience really inspiring. The marshland Apiece family plant is healthy and nutritious when eaten in the raw form. Celery juice offers some amazing benefits for hair as well. Read on to know about the benefits of Celery juice for hair growth.

Know all about the nutrient-packed celery juice benefits for hair in this article. Also, read the recipe for making fresh celery juice at home.

Celery Juice Benefits for Hair

A garnish, or an accompaniment to dishes and soups, celery is a detoxifying vegetable used for its unique flavor and health-benefiting properties. Along with being your weight-loss aid, this vegetable has incredible qualities and properties that can help treat dandruff, hair loss, and premature graying of hair. In addition to that, celery juice can stimulate hair growth and result in healthy, shiny, and strong locks. Below are some of the celery juice benefits for hair that makes it worth a try!

Celery Juice Benefits for Hair

1. Helps Remove Dandruff

The therapeutic properties of celery juice help treat the scalp. In addition to that, the Vitamin A content in the vegetable juice helps control scalp issues like dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis.

The juice contains large quantity of water and vitamin A. Both of these ingredients are great for your hair. It helps in keeping our scalp hydrated and prevents dandruff, and also nourishes the hair roots and strands. Celery juice helps in promoting hair growth and improving the texture of your hair.

Celery Juice for Hair Growth: A brief introduction


Celery or Apium graveolens L is a type of plant from the Apiaceae family. These plants have been studied for its antioxidant and phenolic compounds. The juice of raw celery is packed with the similar nutrients and biochemical compounds. Popularly used as a garnish, celery is a marshland plant belonging to the family Apiaceae which has been cultivated as a vegetable and is very nutritious and healthy when consumed as a whole.

Celery juice has fiber, folate, potassium, vitamins C, K, A, and many other antioxidants. It has very amount of calories in comparison to other green juices. One of the most nutritious foods available, you can either consume it as vegetable or drink its juice to reap the maximum benefits.

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From detoxing the body to keeping the skin healthy, this article will look at some benefits of drinking celery juice.

Is your hair showing aging signs faster? Are you losing more strands than you should? Some recent studies have revealed that celery juice is effective at stimulating hair growth when taken regularly. Beises turning back the clock on the hair loss you are worried about, you can try this superfood juice to improve your hair color and texture and effectively reduce the amount of graying.

Why celery juice is good for hair growth?

· Nutrient-Rich:

Celery juice is very rich in vitamin A and water. Both are the primary needs for your hydrated scalp and healthy hair. It also helps in achieving fine hair growth and provides excellent hair texture. The juice also gives strength to hair roots by nourishing with the help of its vital nutrients like minerals, vitamins, and other micronutrients. It too has several important antioxidant and phenolic compounds which are good for hair growth and overall health.

Celery juice when taken properly shows maximum benefits. Below given are some of the convenient ways of using the juice.

Make the mixture with a few celery stalks after cutting their base and then top portions along with its leaves in a half glass of water. The healthy beverage is ready to drink. Now, add few drops of lemon to add flavor to it. Then, seal the leftovers inside container and store in fridge for future purpose.

Add the juice in your soup and other beverages prepared with fruits and vegetable.

Make use of blender for extracting the celery juice. Cut the stems into many smaller pieces and then pour it in a blender jar with one fourth cup of water. Blend until it gets smoother in texture. Then, add little water if it appears too concentrated.

Apply the celery juice on the scalp in the hair roots. Then, wash it after 15 minutes. The regular use of the juice will show on your shiny, healthy hair. It helps in having healthy and strong hair that you always wanted to have.

Mix celery juice with one bunch of celery, one inch-long ginger, half of cucumber, and one green apple coupled with lemon. Add all the ingredients to a blender and then make a light smooth beverage. This will not only be a super healthy drink for the hair but also for the whole system.

The immune system of our body needs to be strong enough to fight against any outside invasion of harmful microbes and infections. Good news is that celery juice is loaded with nutrients, especially vitamin C to face any infections related to the scalp or hair.

· Controls inflammation on the scalp


Celery juice helps remove any kind of inflammation or skin issues if applied directly on scalp or taken as a supplement every day. A few studies have shown that celery juice also possess many therapeutic properties to reduce seborrheic dermatitis or dandruff. You should take celery juice daily to enjoy its excellent benefits. Daily consumption of celery juice may promote healthy and long, shiny hair naturally and effortlessly.

The anti-inflammatory polyphenols and antioxidant in the juice eliminate the reactive oxygen species in the bloodstream. Minerals such as potassium and magnesium help maintain the electrolyte balance in the body and pH of your skin. Folate and vitamins C and A help fight infections and inflammation.

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How to use celery juice for hair growth?

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