Does Rice Water Dry Your Hair Out?

Does Rice Water Dry Your Hair Out? How Long Should You Leave Rice Water in Your Hair? When you have protein overload, the hair become stiff, dry and brittle resulting in breakage. Therefore, just like any other protein treatment, minimize the frequency of use and avoid leaving it on your hair for too long. If you have low porosity hair, you need to be careful on how you use Rice Water because the protein and starch in the Rice Water tends to sit on the hair shaft and once the ‘crust’ dries out by staying too long, it will make the hair dry and brittle.

You should leave Rice Water on your hair for at least 15 minutes before rinsing it off. This will ensure that your hair absorbs all the nutrients required for hair growth from the Rice Water.

This is the short answer. Read on to understand how the period varies depending on several factors.

The concentration of your Rice Water will also determine how long you leave the Rice Water on. If you make very concentrated Rice Water, it means that the protein and starch content is very high and therefore leaving the rice water on for too long may work against you. Diluting the Rice Water will minimize the potency and therefore it may be safe to leave the Rice Water on for longer.

The general principle is not to leave the Rice Water in your hair for too long especially if you have low porosity hair or if your hair is protein sensitive.

This is because leaving the Rice Water in your hair for too long may lead to protein overload, leaving your hair feeling stiff and brittle. The last thing you would want is damaged hair as a result of incorrect use of Rice Water.

Now, this may not apply to everyone, am sure you know people who leave their Rice Water in the hair overnight or do not wash it off at all until the next wash day yet their hair is flourishing. We all have different hair types, and as I mentioned earlier, hair porosity plays a key role on how your hair reacts to Rice Water. Does Rice Water Dry Your Hair Out?