Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth

Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth

According to a 2012 study, fermented substances have a higher amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants may combat hair and skin cell damage, which is why they are typical ingredients in beauty products.

To ferment rice water, follow steps 1–4 of the soaking method. Before straining, leave the rice water to stand at room temperature for up to 2 days, allowing it to ferment. Strain the rice water into a clean bowl before use.


Another way to make rice water is by boiling the rice. Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

Cover ½ cup of rice with double the water typically used for cooking. Cook the rice in boiling water and strain the rice water into a clean bowl before use.


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Your privacy is important to us It turns out the hype is real and fermented rice water is packed with rich nutrients such as magnesium, iron, and vitamins E, niacin, riboflavin, and thiamine which result in multiple benefits such as: -Stimulates hair growth -Repairs damaged dry hair -Reduces dandruff -Adds natural shine -Prevents split ends -Detangles hair -Prevents hair loss Not to mention, if you’re experiencing hair thinning or alopecia, rice water is a game changer. “Dr. Debbie I’ve been using your rice water technique for around 7 months and my hair has grown 5 inches. The growth is unbelievable! I’m a 4C thank you for your advice, it’s appreciated.” – Vina Poleon Studies showing conclusive proof of the impact of fermented rice water on hair are elusive. But anecdotal evidence from not only centuries of Asian women who have used the rinse, but also from countless naturalistas who swear by the technique point to major hair growth. If you’re ready to step up your healthy hair game to grow longer stronger hair, grab a pen, take notes and check out these rice water tutorials featuring three women sharing their top tips, techniques, and real

How to use rice water

Rice water can replace a commercial conditioner. To do this, a person should:

wash hair with shampoo

rinse thoroughly with water from the tap

pour rice water onto their hair

massage the rice water into the hair and scalp

leave on for up to 20 minutes Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

rinse hair thoroughly using warm water from the tap Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

Skin benefits

In addition to its potential beauty benefits for the hair, rice water may also benefit the skin.

A 2002 study Trusted Source found that the starch in rice water helped damaged skin heal for people with dermatitis. Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

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At first glance, a 2010 paperTrusted Source suggests they may be. The authors note that rice water may reduce surface friction and increase hair elasticity. However, the study relies on historical examples to draw unsupported conclusions. Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

Elsewhere, a research facility in Japan has developed an imaging technique that visualizes the strengthening effect of inositol on hair. Inositol is contained in rice water. Make DIY Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth at home.

It is important to note that this research is published directly by a facility that may have commercial interests.

To date, the benefits of rice water for hair remain unproven. More research is needed to support anecdotal evidence about the benefits of rice water for hair. Make Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

How to make rice water

There are several different ways to make rice water, including

There are a few ways to protect your hair this season by wearing protective styles like braids, sew-ins or wigs, keeping the scalp moisturized and clean under protective styles, deep conditioning often, adding oils to your regimen to seal in moisture and wearing satin-lined hats and scarves to help combat dryness. There are even a few DIY concoctions you can implement in your routine by using common household items found in your kitchen like avocado, honey, oils, yogurt, and even rice. Rice has been used for centuries by Asian women apart of the Yao tribe who claim that’s the secret to their long shiny floor-length hair.


Rinsing rice thoroughly is part of the soaking process.

Soaking is the quickest way to make rice water. Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

To use this method:

take ½ cup of uncooked rice

rinse thoroughly

place rice in a bowl with 2–3 cups of water

leave to soak for 30 minutes

strain the rice water into a clean bowl

Fermented vs. plain rice water

Some rice water advocates claim fermented rice water has more benefits than plain rice water.

Increases shine and improves hair elasticity

The amino acids contained in the rice water strengthens the hair roots, increases the hair volume and makes the hair smooth and shiny.

Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth

Rice water is the starchy water left over after rice is cooked or left to soak. It is thought to make the hair smooth and shiny, as well as help it grow faster. According to researchersTrusted Source, women in the Heian period (794 to 1185 CE) in Japan had floor-length hair they kept healthy by bathing it in rice water. Make Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

A modern-day equivalent of this story can be found in China. The Yao women, who live in a village called Huangluo in China, are famed for having hair that averages 6 feet long. Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

In addition to its incredible length, the Yao women’s hair is said to keep its color for longer, as they do not begin to get gray hair until they reach their 80s. Rice water contains amino acids that helps in hair regeneration. Rice water also contains Vitamins B, C and E which further promotes hair growth. Consistent use of rice water has been proven to promote hair growth as evidenced in Asian women.

I have consistently used rice water for over 6 months and I have noticed faster growth. My breakage has also reduced significantly.

2. Protects hair from damage

Rice water contains inositol which is a carbohydrate that can repair damaged hair. Even after rinsing off the rice water, Inositol stays in the hair acting as a protective shield.

3. Increases shine and improves hair elasticity

The amino acids contained in the rice water strengthens the hair roots, increases the hair volume and makes the hair smooth and shiny. Even after a wash and go I notice that my hair does not feel or look dry.

4. Detangles hair

Rice water smoothens the cuticles and reduces the surface friction which helps the strands of the hair not to tangle.

The Yao women credit the length and color of their hair to the fact they bathe it in rice water. Make DIY Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth at home.

In recent years, beauty advice websites and product developers have caught on to this tradition. Now, the rice water trend is spreading.


Advocates of using rice water for hair believe it:

detangles the hair

makes hair smoother

increases shine

makes hair stronger Make Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

helps hair grow long

What the research says

As the popularity of using rice water for hair increases, there is growing anecdotal evidence about its benefits. But are the claims scientifically proven? Make DIY Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth at home.

The most remarkable thing I noticed when I started using the rice water was that it instantly conditioned my hair, making it super soft and super easy to detangle. In fact, these days I primarily use rice water for detangling and as a conditioner.

Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth DIY

Promotes hair growth

Rice water contains amino acids that helps in hair regeneration. Rice water also contains Vitamins B, C and E which further promotes hair growth. Consistent use of rice water has been proven to promote hair growth as evidenced in Asian women. Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

It is no wonder the Yao women have an average length of over 1.5 meters. Not only do these women have long hair, the hair is luscious and very healthy. Make Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

I have consistently used rice water for over 6 months and I have noticed faster growth. My breakage has also reduced significantly. Make Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

Protects hair from damage

Research shows that rice water contains inositol which is a carbohydrate that can repair damaged hair.(1) Even after rinsing off the rice water, Inositol stays in the hair acting as a protective shield. Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

In addition to the carbohydrates present in hair, rice contains between 7-16% proteins. The rice proteins form a protective coat on your hair hence preventing breakage.

The famous Yao ethnic women of China, with their hair lengths averaging 6 feet, are proof of just how effective rice water can be in hair care! Takeaway Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

Rinsing hair in rice water is a traditional beauty treatment popular in many regions in Asia. Make DIY Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth at home.

Having gained attention online, this alternative beauty remedy is now popular across the world.

Many people find rice water to be a beneficial hair treatment. Historical examples and anecdotal evidence suggest rice water may improve the strength, texture, and growth of hair.

Most scientific evidence about the treatment is inconclusive, so more research is needed to prove the benefits of using rice water.

While its benefits for hair remain unproven, using a rice water hair rinse is safe to try at home and may also be used on the skin. It has been found to promote skin health in people with dermatitis. Make DIY Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth at home.

DermatologyComplementary Medicine / Alternative Medicine

5 Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

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This article looks at the beauty benefits of rice water hair treatments and whether scientific research backs up the purported results. Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

Though genetics may play a part in their hair growth rates, they primarily cite rice water as the secret to their hair’s health and luscious appearance! Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

As you know, here at Hibiscus Roots, our mission is to translate these ancient remedies and recipes that Asian and middle-eastern women have used for centuries to be applicable for Afro-textured natural hair (specifically 4c hair). Make DIY Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth at home.

Asian women, for a very long time have used rice water to enhance their skin and hair beauty. Traditionally, female rice farmers in China, Japan, and other Southeast Asian countries used to bathe and wash their hair in the water used for cleaning rice.

Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth That Works

The rice water craze has recently been trending among hair bloggers especially natural 4C Hair bloggers, I personally came across the rice water terminology 3 years after going natural! I wish I had discovered it earlier! Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth. Make Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

Since the very first time I rinsed my natural 4C hair with rice water, I have never looked back. I currently use rice water once every two weeks but when I started out, I would use it on a weekly basis during wash days. In this article, we’re going to be talking about how to use rice water for hair growth, and why you should try this treatment on your 4C hair! Make Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

This is probably not the first time you’re hearing about using rice water for 4C hair growth. For centuries, Asian women have used rice water in their hair and skincare routines. Make DIY Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth at home.

Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth. For many rice is food BUT for some, rice is a beauty product! Have you seen blogs titled: Rice water for Hair Growth? If you haven’t then you are in the right place because I will share my experience of using rice water on 4C hair.

Can rice water be used to grow natural hair? Consistent and correct use of rice water promotes healthy hair growth, improves shines and elasticity and effectively conditions the hair by smoothing the cuticles and reducing the surface friction which prevents the strands from tangling. How to make rice water for 4C hair growth Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

There are several method to prepare rice water. In this article I will share 4 recipes for making rice water for hair.

One of the most recommended methods of preparing rice water is the fermentation method, the process of fermentation results in a solution that is very potent for the hair. Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.In fact some people find it too strong that they have to dilute the fermented rice water.

Below are 4 methods of preparing rice water for hair growth.

1- No Boil Method


½ cup of clean raw rice

2-3 cups of water

3-7 drops of an essential oil (Where to buy)


Place clean rice in container and add water. Make DIY Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth at home.

Swirl it using a spoon in a round motion. Rice Water For 4C Hair Growth.

Leave it to sit for 30 minutes in room temperature, the longer the better so that all nutrients are obtained from the rice.

Strain the rice water and add 3 drops of an essential oil

Rinse your hair with the rice water