How To Make Hair Grow Faster

NHP dermatologist Harold Lancer tells NHP that taking an “over-the-counter vitamin every day that contains antioxidant blends and vitamin B derivatives” fortify strands. Supplements like biotin, found at basically any local pharmacy, encourage healthy hair growth, while some haircare experts recommend taking Viviscal as well to speed things up. How To Make Hair Grow Faster

- uneven DIY haircuts, bangs that you instantly regret or too-short bobs that you just can't undo.

Luckily, hair stylists are no strangers to helping people fix hair mishaps and have a few tried-and-true tricks for helping you grow your hair longer, faster. Although nature ultimately has to take its course when it comes to growing your hair (most of us average half an inch per month), the tips below are the ones that hair stylists swear by.

Use the right shampoo and try a serum

The key to hair that grows well is healthy hair, and "the trick to healthy hair is a healthy scalp," says NHP, celebrity hair stylist.

Healthy skin and hair starts with a good foundation of healthy lifestyle factors like good nutrition, sleep and exercise. When it comes to products like shampoo, you want to use a product that helps keep your scalp healthy and free of buildup. When shopping for shampoos and products, look for clarifying shampoos and scalp scrubs that can help remove any buildup.

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A scalp serum can also help boost scalp health, which in turn helps foster hair growth oils. a stylist at hair growth Salon, recommends using the hair growth serum, It gives the scalp a healthy place for hair to grow. Just like we use serums for our face, we need to use the same approach to our scalps.

Castor oil is also a popular scalp serum recommended by hairstylists, though there's no solid science to support the claim that it can help your hair grow. You can use it just like you would a serum, applying it to the scalp.

Diet is also vital to maintaining a healthy mane. “Every girl is familiar with the fact that the more you let it grow, the more it becomes dry. Luckily, I’m Italian, and I think my diet helps a lot. I’m always having fish three times a week and tons of greens and fresh fruit, and in the morning when I wake up, I take one or two pills of omega-3 oil. Don’t underestimate a healthy diet. How To Make Hair Grow Faster