Tom Mix Movies

Tom Mix (1880 - 1940) Tom Mix joined the army as a young man and was an artillery sergeant during the Philippine campaign from 1898 to 1901, though he never saw action. In 1904 he was a bartender and sheriff-marshal in Dewey, Oklahoma. He was in a series of Wild West shows, such as The Miller bros. Wild West Show from 1906-1909; the Widerman show in Amarillo, Texas; with wife Olive Mix in Seattle's Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition; and Will A. Dickey's Circle D Ranch. The latter supplied Selig Pictures with cowboys and Indians for movies and, in 1910, Mix was hired by Selig to provide and handle horses.

His first movie was Ranch Life in the Great Southwest (1910). He continued with Selig until 1917, writing and directing as well as acting. He was signed by Fox Films in 1917 and remained with them until 1928, averaging five or so films a year. His popularity eclipsed all other great cowboy stars (Ken Maynard, Hoot Gibson and even the legendary William S. Hart) of the silent era and he earned--- and spent--- millions. In addition to Mix's riding and shooting skills, the films also showcased the talents of his amazing horse, Tony the Horse. Sound and encroaching middle age were not favorable to Mix, and after making a handful of pictures during the sound era he left the film industry after 1935's serial, The Miracle Rider (1935) [see below] (a huge hit for lowly Mascot Pictures, grossing over $1 million--- Mix earned $40,000).

He started touring with the Sells Floto Circus in 1930 and 1931 and the Tom Mix Circus from 1936 to 1938. While Mix was a great showman, the combination of the Depression and the high cost of overhead conspired against his success. He died in an auto accident in 1940.

Tom Mix developed a comical style, emphasized fast action thrills to a greater extent than had been common in earlier westerns, and did his own stunts. He was king of the cowboys during the 1920s and remained popular on radio and in comic books for more than a decade after his death.

Note 1: Tom Mix served as a pallbearer at the funeral of legendary western lawman Wyatt Earp in 1929.

Note 2: He made over $6,000,000 during his career but an extravagant lifestyle had sharply reduced his estate to a modest amount by the time he died.

Note 3: On October 12, 1940, while driving his 1937 Cord Sportsman through the Arizona desert he took a turn too fast, a suitcase broke loose and struck him in the head and his car plunged into a ravine. The ravine was later named "The Tom Mix Wash" in his honor. A plaque at the location reads: "TOM MIX January 6, 1880 - October 12, 1940 Whose spirit left his body on this spot and whose characterization and portrayals in life served to better fix memories of the old west in the minds of living men.".

Note 4: The Miracle Rider was the last film of Tom Mix. It is a sound serial from Mascot with twice the normal Mascot budget. Mix was 55 when he made this. The Miracle Rider was an astounding success, making both Mix and Mascot over ten times its investment. The serial is one of the better serials of the period, too, and so Mix went out on top. Tom Mix had appeared in 270 movies.

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1. Miracle Rider (1935) - Tom Mix - 15 Chapter Mascot Serial [with sound and talking - Not a Silent]

The Miracle Rider is a B western Movie Serial that mixes Science Fiction elements and modern automobiles within the 1930’s west.

Tom Morgan (Tom Mix) is made an honorary chief of a tribe and is called “the Miracle Rider.” The evil oil baron Zaroff (played by Charles Middleton, who also played Ming the Merciless in the 3 Flash Gordon serials) is not pleased. Zaroff wants the Indians off the land so he can mine something called X-94, which is an explosive that all world powers will pay anything to get. The Ravenhead reservation is rich in X-94 deposits and now, but with Texas Ranger Tom being made an honorary chief, this complicates things.


1. The Heart of Texas Ryan (1917) - Tom Mix [Silent Movie]

Bessie Eyton is returning to Texas after two years away at school to join her ranch owner father Col. Ryan (George Fawcett) who nicknames her Texas Ryan. The hard-riding gal becomes the idol of the ranch hands, especially Single-Shot Jack Parker (Tom Mix).

2. Sky High (1922) - Tom Mix

A silent western movie starring Tom Mix as a border agent. This film features some of the earliest aerial photography used in motion pictures. Movie was filmed on location at The Grand Canyon.

3. Tom Mix Biography

4. Tom Mix: The Myth on Horseback. 25 min

5. Riders of the Purple Sage (1925) 54 min- Tom Mix - Riders of the Purple Sage is a 1925 American silent film starring Tom Mix, Mabel Ballin, and Warner Oland. Based on the 1912 novel Riders of the Purple Sage by Zane Grey, the film is about a former Texas Ranger who pursues a corrupt lawyer who abducted his married sister and niece. His search leads him to a remote Arizona ranch and the love of a good woman.

The film features an uncredited bit role by future film star Gary Cooper as a rider. Warner Oland, who plays the corrupt lawyer Lew Walters, would later star in the Charlie Chan films.

Another location for --->Tom Mix in Riders of the Purple Sage 1 hr 52 min [Added]

6. Tom Mix: 5 Short movies : (1) Tom and the Sheriff (2) Up For Ransom (3) Cyclone Tom (4) Western Life (5) Celebrating the Fourth [Silent shorts made around the 1920s] [Added]

7. Tom Mix in Sage Brush Tom (1915) [Silent Short] [Added]

8. Tom Mix in A Bear of a Story [1920s Silent Short] [Added]

9. Tom Mix in Cactus Jim [1920s Silent Short] [Added]

10. Tom Mix in Missing Title 1 [No title for 1920s Silent Short] The star of this movie is called Tom but he is not Tom Mix [Added]

11. Tom Mix in Missing Title 2 [No title for 1920s Silent Short] [Added]

12. Tom Mix in Hearts and Saddles 1917 - Filmed at Flagstaff, Arizona. This two-reeler was the first short released between Tom Mix and William Fox but sadly it's one of thousands of titles that is sadly missing. At least this one here is available with eight-minutes’ worth of footage and this remastered footage has been released from Alpha. The footage isn't just an eight-minute sequence but instead it contains footage from what I believe is all through the short. We start off seeing Mix giving his sweetheart (Victoria Ford) a gift and having the other cowboys laugh at him. Another man then tries going after the girl and soon he and Mix are trying to prove which one deserves her. It's a real shame that not all of the film is available because what's here looks very interesting. There's some over-the-top comedy including a bit where a man tries to throw a pumpkin at Mix but he ducks and it ends up hitting the girl's father. There's also quite a bit of action including a terrific scene where Mix ties a rope to a mule and tries walking down the side of a cliff only to have the mule keep pulling him back up. Another nice scene has a group of people fighting on top of a cliff and then they all fall and end up crashing through the roof of a house. Fans of Mix will certainly want to see this footage and hopefully one day the complete thing will turn up.

13. Tom Mix in Trailin' (1921) - A Tom Mix classic based on Max Brands novel Trailin'! Tom Mix plays Anthony Woodbury, a devil-may-care aristocrat whose father has mysteriously concealed all info about his deceased mother. One day, an old man shows up and shoots Tom's father dead! The only clue Tom has is a picture of a far-away ranch in Idaho that was hidden away for years in a secret locked room in their mansion.

It's not only one of Mix's best films, but it has been available for some time. The pace is swift, the plot idea reasonably realistic, while the mystery is not only intriguing but fast-paced and full of action. It was written and directed by one of Hollywood's best writer-directors, namely Lynn Reynolds -- whose movies have been virtually forgotten despite his undoubted expertise in delivering super-fine work in both these fields. The plot, based on a popular 1920 novel of the same title by Max Brand, is still fresh, fast-paced and colorful. Although the movie was a huge box-office success on first release, for some reason it hasn't been imitated, so the final identification and whirlwind wind-up of the action-full story does come as a genuine yet wholly convincing surprise! All the players acquit themselves well under Reynolds' adroit direction. In my opinion, Mix never gave a better nor a more engaging performance. He receives fine support from Bert Sprotte and J. Farrell MacDonald, Eva Novak and Carol Holloway.

If you want to listen to an Audio of Max Brand’s novel “Trailin”, click hereà

14. Tom Mix in North of Hudson Bay (1923) – Directed by John Ford [SILENT]- Rancher Michael Dane (Tom Mix) goes to northern Canada to join his brother, Peter, who has struck gold with his partner, Angus McKenzie. En route, Dane meets and falls in love with Estelle McDonald. Arriving at the trading post, Dane discovers that Peter has been murdered. Local authorities accuse McKenzie and summarily sentence him to walk the "death trail," a kind of torture involving starvation and exposure in which the prisoner is made to walk, accompanied by guards, until he dies. Dane becomes an object of the same torture when he tries to help the wrongfully accused man. They both escape, and Dane gets into a terrific fight with a pack of wolves. Estelle follows the group in a canoe, pursued by Cameron McDonald, her uncle, who is the real murderer of Peter Dane. McDonald dies after a thrilling chase over a waterfall, and Dane and Estelle escape to civilization.



In 1933 Ralston-Purina obtained his permission to produce a Tom Mix radio series called Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters which, but for one year during World War II, was popular throughout most of the 1930s through the early 1950s. Mix never appeared on these broadcasts and was instead played by radio actors: Artells Dickson (early 1930s), Jack Holden (from 1937), Russell Thorsen (early 1940s) and Joe "Curley" Bradley (from 1944). Others in the supporting cast included George Gobel, Harold Peary and Willard Waterman. The Ralston company offered ads during the Tom Mix radio program for listeners to send in for a series of 12 special Ralston-Tom Mix Comic books available only by writing the Ralston Company by mail.

1. Tom Mix Radio Programs

2. Even More Tom Mix Radio Programs [Another Location]

3. Another Location for---> Tom Mix Radio Programs


1. Tom Mix Comic Books

2. Tom Mix Big Little Books


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