
Generation 19:

Richard Lee II

+Joyce Worsley

--Richard Lee III

Generation 20:

Sir Otewell Worsley

+Rose Trevor

--Joyce Worsley

--Margaret Worsley

--Ann Worsley

--Isabel Worsley

Generation 21:

Richard de Worsley

+Katherine Clark

--Sir Otewell Worsley

Generation 22:

Robert "the Good" Worsley

+Isabel Unknown

--Richard de Worsley

Generation 23:

William de Worsley

+Ellen Hulton

--Robert "the Good" Worsley

Generation 24:

Robert de Worsley

+Cecily Margaret Bromhall

--William de Worsley

Generation 25:

Henry de Workesley, Lord Worsley

+Margaret de Schoresworth

--Robert de Worsley

Generation 26:

Richard de Workesley, Lord Worsley

+Margaret de Wardley

--Henry de Workesley, Lord Worsley

Generation 27:

Geoffrey de Workesley


--Richard de Workesley, Lord Worsley

Generation 28:

Richard de Workesley


--Geoffrey de Workesley

Generation 29:

Roger de Workesley


--Richard de Workesley

Generation 30:

Richard de Workesley


--Roger de Workesley

Generation 31:

Elias (Gigas) de Workesley (Workedley)


--Richard de Workesley

Generation 32:

Richard de Workesley


--Elias (Gigas) de Workesley (Workedley)

The Worsley family is an English family that is derived from Sir Elias de Workesley, a Norman knight who was a youth at the time of the Norman conquest. He later accompanied Duke Robert II of Normandy (elder son of William the Conqueror) on the First Crusade and was buried at Rhodes.

Sir Elias had settled at Workesley, Lancashire, which later became known as Worsley, and the family seat was Worsley Hall. The family were seated at Worsley for over four hundred years and spawned a number of branches. One of these, the Worsleys of Appuldurcombe, has now died out in the male line, though represented by the Earls of Yarborough. Another, the Worsleys of Booth, is represented in the female line by the Tindal-Carill-Worsley family, formerly of Platt Hall.

From https://archive.org/stream/historicsitesla00crosgoog/historicsitesla00crosgoog_djvu.txt

The third in decent from this Richard was Geoffrey de Workesley, living in the time of Henry III., who by his wife Agnes had two sons — Richard, who succeeded as heir, and Roger, who founded the line of the Worsleys of Kempnough, an old half-timbered house, still existing, about a mile distant, and which in the time of Elizabeth obtained an unenviable notoriety on account of the supposed demoniacal possession for a period of two years of some members of the family then inhabiting it Richard, the eldest son of GeofTery de Workesley, who was living in 1276, had a son Henry, who succeeded as heir ; Roger, who married Cecilia de Rowynton ; and a third son, Jordan de Workesley, the first of the family whose name occurs as owner of Wardley. The family were among the early benefactors of the ancient church of Eccles, in which parish both Worsley and Wardley Halls are located By a deed, dated at Eccles on Sunday of the octave of St Martin the Bishop, in winter (November i8th), 1293, Henry, the eldest son of Richard de Workesley, the one last named, ga\ie to God and to the high altar (so called to distinguish it from the small altars in the chantries or side chapels) of the Church of the Blessed Mary of Eccles, yearly for ever, for the salvation of Joan, his wife, and of his father Richard, his predecessors and successors, and of the souls of all the faithful dead, at the feeast of St Martin, in the winter (November nth), one pound of wax, faithfully offered (in fulfilment of a vow), so that whoever should be rector of the church might compel him, by ecclesiastical censure, or by the lesser or greater excommunication, to make the offering at the feast, if it should be neglected. The wax was no doubt intended for the large candles to be burned on the high altar and the other lights used during the services of the Roman Catholic Church.* Henry de Workesley had a son Robert, married to Cecilia de Bromhall, and living in 1292, to whom he gave five hundred acres of wood and five hundred acres of pasture, called the Boothes, and from him descended the Worsleys of Boothes, also in Worsley township. Of the same family was Helias de Workesley, who became Abbot of Whalley in 1309, but resigned his charge and died before 1318 j and also Henry de Workesley, who about the time of Edward III. married Johanna, daughter and co-heiress of

Sir Richard de Greenacres, and in her right became owner of half the manor of Twiston, in the parish of Whalley. Another branch of the family was located at Worsley Meyne, near Wigan, of whom, according to an epitaph in St. Mary's, Chester, was Ralph Worsley, yeoman of the wardrobe, (pagettus garderobcs robarum) to Henry VIIL, who appointed him towards the latter end of his life to the wardenship of the Tower. The Worsleys of Manchester were another branch, a pedigree given in the Harleian MSS. (2,100, fo. 32), "collected," as it states, " from deeds of ye auntient family of Worsley of Worsley," connecting with the ancient stock Nicholas Worsley, of Manchester, living in 1598, the scion with whose name the pedigree in Dugdale's '' Visitation of Lancashire'' in 1664 commences, and who is said to have been the son and heir of Otwell, or Otes, Worsley, of Newnham Green, near Worsley, by his wife Cicely, daughter of Nicholas Rigby, of Harrock. A younger son of this Nicholas, Charles Worsley, diverged into trade, and established himself in Manchester as a '* haberdasher," a phrase that had then a much wider significance than now. He married, at the old church of Manchester in 1586, Elizabeth, daughter of Ralph Gee, the sister of Alice, wife of George Clarke, the munificent founder of the Manchester charity that still bears that worthy's name; and, prospering in business, he, in 1614, purchased from Sir Oswald Mosley certain lands in Rusholme. His son and successor, Ralph Worsley, extended the business, and with such success that he was able in 1625 to add to the paternal purchase of the lands in Rusholme the estate in the same town- ship called "The Piatt," thus founding the line of the Worsleys of Piatt, in the old manor house of which place was bom to him, in 1622, a son and heir, Charles Worsley, who acquired distinction as the first member for Manchester in the Cromwellian Parliament, and who was one of the Protector's most trusted generals, and the immediate instrument of the famous coup ttHat when Cromwell, dismissing the " Rump " Parliament, ordered General Worsley to " take away the bauble."