William Tharp, Sr.

William Tharp was born abt 1682 in Langford Bay, Kent, MD. He died 1748 in Talbot, MD at 66 years of age. Ge married Jane Austin on Jan 8, 1790 in Easton, Talbot, MD.

William's father died when he was about age four. His mother, according to his father's will, had run off to be with another man when William was a baby. His appointed guardian was Robert Erick. Robert was a Quaker and this indicates why William lived and moved among Quakers.

William was a planter and cooper in Talbot Co., MD by about 1710. In 1716 he witnessed the will of John Keld, cooper of Talbot County. On Nov. 2, 1717 he purchased 50 acres of land, part of "Ashton" (Austin) from Dennis Larey. It was on a branch of Tuckahoe Creek. He is listed as a taxpayer of Tuckahoe Hundred with 4 taxables (himself, sons John, Thomas and Isaac over age 15) in 1733.

William bought 50 acres, part of "Colerain", in 1735 from John Jordan, near Hillsboro in Queen Ann's County, MD which he willed to son Thomas in that year. He lived 13 more years after he wrote his will.

On Feb 17, 1742, when the lands of John Keld were divided amongst his 3 sons, one of the witnesses was William's son, Abner Tharp.

He was a witness to verify the birth of Esther Arey, d. of David and Elizabeth Arey on 40 years previous to a deposition on Aug. 18, 1747 and one year after David and Elizabeth were married. David and Elizabeth Arey were obviously long time acquaintances or probable relatives. (CL-316) David was a Quaker.

William's will dated 1735, is transcribed and forwarded by an unknown researcher as follows. "In the Name of God Amen This 30th day of August in the year of our Lord Christ 1735, I William Thorpe of Talbot County being sick and weak of Body but of Perfect Mind and Memory Blessed be God and calling to mind the Mortality of my body and that is Appointed for all men once to Dye Do make my last will and Testament in manner and form following find and principally I give and bequeath my soul unto the hands of Almighty God hoping for salvation of the same thro' the Merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour and as for my Body I commit it to the Earth to be buried in a Christian and decent manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter mentioned and as touching such Worldly Estate where with it pleases God to bless me with in life 1 give devise and Bequeath the same in manner and Form following Item[?] I leave and Bequeath to my well beloved Wife Jane Thorpe her Riding Horse Bridle and Saddle with the feather Bed and all the Furniture Belonging belonging there unto which I now lye upon and fifty acres of land Which I purchased of Denis Lary (1) during her life and after her decease to my son John Thorpe and his Heirs forever except one acre which I bequeath for a Burying Place not to be sold or Embossted [? ] moreover my will is that my Wife shall have the free use of and liberty of that Parcell of Land which I purchased of John Jordan (2) During her widowhood and afterwards to return it to my Son Thomas Thorpe and his Heirs forever and my will is that my wife shall have all of the Woolen and Linnen that I have now in my house that was bought for her life Item I leave and bequeath unto my son John Thorpe a feather bed Item I leave and bequeath to my son Isaac Thorpe a mare and colt which he has now in Possession with Bridle and Saddle and one feather bed Item I leave and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Thorpe a young mare colt going in Two years old Item I leave and bequeath to my son William Thorpe a walnut table Item my will is that my four youngest sons Abner, Joseph, Ogle, and William shall be free and at age at 20 years of age if it happens that my wife either marry or dye otherwise to stay with her till full age. Item I leave and bequeath to my daughter Jane Thorpe an iron Pott of two gallons measure Item I bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth Thorpe an Iron Kettle containing in measure Two Gallons Item: I leave to my wife a new chest and small trunk Item I leave to my Son Thomas Thorpe all my cooper tools Item I constitute and ordain my Loving wife Jane Thorpe my full and sole Executor and I will that after my funeral charges and Lawfull Debts paid that the Remainder of my Estate shall be Equally divided amongst my seven youngest children beginning at my daughter Mary and I do hereby Utterly Revoke disallow and annul all other wills Testaments Legacies or bequests by me before this time named Will or bequeathed Radifying and confirming this and none other to be my last will and Testament In Witness to thereof I have here unto set my Hand and Seale this day and year first above written.

Signed Sealed Published and Proniunced

by said William Thorpe as his last will and Testament in the presence of on the back of theforgoing Will Sim. Keld (3) , Susannah Keld (4), James Shieter there was written

Talbot County Simon Keld one of the Subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing will made oath on the holy Evangels of Almighty God that he saw the testator William Thorpe Sign the Same Will but cannot remember that he heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and Testament That he saw the said testator sign the said will in the Sight Presence and Hearing of James Shiets one of the other Subscribing witnesses to the said will That at the time of his doing he was to best of their apprehensions of this Deponent of sound mind and memory and that he this Deponent and said William Shiets do Subscribe their names Respectively to the said will in the presence of said testator and at his request this first Day of December Anno Domini 1752

before me Jore [?] Nicholls Dep Court of the county aforesaid." His will was not probated until 1754.