


水元 惟暁 博士OIST

Evolution of leader-follower role in termite tandem runs


  Group-living animals coordinate their movement while migrating as a group. Tandem running in termites is the simplest movement coordination that involves leader–follower relationships. Unlike ants, a tandem run of termites is performed by mating pairs while seeking sites for colony foundation. In Reticulitermes and Coptotermes termites, the leader role is fixed in females in heterosexual pairing, and movement coordination is achieved through adjusting movement speed to the distance to each other. In this presentation, we show how they evolved such a fixed leader-follower relationship during tandem runs. First, we found that both females and males have the behavioral potential to perform both leader and follower roles. In a same-sex pairing context, one partner adopts the other sex’s movements to maintain same-sex tandem runs. Second, a systematic literature survey and phylogenetic comparative analysis suggest that the ancestors of modern termites lack consistent sex roles during pairing. This indicates that behavioral flexibility was inherited from an ancestral lineage. Finally, comparative behavioral analysis suggests that a fixed female-leader role in heterosexual pairing is associated with the evolution of strong sexual pheromones. Thus, signal communication plays a vital role in the evolution of movement coordination.




久本 峻平 博士明治大学先端数理科学インスティテュート



 一つの物体を複数個体で運搬する協調運搬(cooperative transport)という行動は非常に高度な協力行動である。引っ越しの荷物運びや運動会の大玉運びの経験があれば、複数人で一つの物を運ぶことがいかに難しいかを思い出していただきたい。全員が「自分が一人で運ぶために最適な動き」をすると、配置される位置によって目標方向に対する体の向きが異なるため、綱引き状態になりフラフラと迷走してしまう。スムーズな運搬の実現には各個体が配置に応じた適切な動きを同期させて進行方向を統一することが必要である。そのため、協調運搬の成功には個体間の協力と調節が不可欠である。興味深いことに、ヒトでも困難なスムーズな協調運搬をわずか数mm程度のサイズのアリが見事に成し遂げる。
