Course Syllabus

World History

Course Syllabus

2013-2014 School Year

Teacher: Matthew Kienbaum

Room: 206

Tutorials: Wednesday after school and by appointment.

Phone: 254-898-3857 Room 206

254-898-3869 Theatre

E-Mail: (School)

E-mail: (Weekends and Holidays)

Web Page:


In this class students will study the story of human history. We will examine the development of many peoples throughout history including their religion, language, and culture, as well as their accomplishments and major events and people. The students will develop a greater understanding of our human heritage and connect the past to the present in an effort to gain greater understanding of the events of today.


This is a student-centered class where the educator's primary role is to facilitate learning. The class will include projects, research, discussions, debates, lectures, daily work, homework, writing assignments, quizzes, and tests. All assignments should be completed fully and turned in by the due date. Any portion of an assignment not finished will be counted wrong. Missing work will receive a zero.

Course Objectives

To improve students' understanding of history, government, and citizenship

To increase students’ knowledge of human patterns through time

To grant the student greater knowledge of peoples, places, and environments

To develop student understanding of culture

To expand the students' understanding of economics and its relation to resources and technology

To expand the students' understanding of the impact of human history on our future

Course Topics

The First Civilizations and Empires

New Patterns of Civilization

The Early Modern World

The Era of European Imperialism

The Twentieth-Century Crisis

Toward Global Civilization

Required Supplies


Writing utensil

Optional supplies to be shared with the classroom

1 box of tissues (For student use: when they’re gone, they’re gone.)

Grading plan

The grade book will be updated weekly.

All late work will have a maximum grade of 70. It is the students’ responsibility to get their work after missing class. For each day missed, students will be given one day to complete missing work without penalty.

Course work will be weighted as follows:

Daily work, homework, quizzes and minor projects 50%

(Expect 6 to 12 a 6wks)

Tests and Major Projects 50%

(Expect 2 to 4 a 6wks)

1st Semester

1st -3rd 6wks 25% each

Semester test 25%

2nd Semester

4th -6th 6wks 25% each

Semester test 25%

Daily Work, Homework:

Daily work and homework will include worksheets, writing assignments, maps, drawings, and other work that is completed in class or at home with open resources.


Quizzes are assignments that must be completed in class without use of resources. Quizzes are often timed and will NOT generally be announced beforehand.

Minor projects:

Minor projects vary greatly but generally will only last two to three days and may include PowerPoint presentations, research papers, active board projects, poster board projects, and skits, music, food or any other medium assigned or approved on a project by project basis. All projects will have clearly defined criteria and deadlines.

Major Projects:

Major projects vary greatly but generally will last five or more days and may include PowerPoint presentations, research papers, active board projects, poster board projects or any other medium assigned or approved on a project by project basis. All projects will have clearly defined criteria and deadlines.


Tests are assignments that must be completed in class without use of resources. Tests are often timed and WILL always be announced beforehand.

Classroom Rules of Conduct

1. Respect yourself, others, and the school.

2. Take no action that will impede the learning process for yourself or others.

3. Be prepared for class every day.

4. Do Not Cheat. This includes copying others’ homework.

5. Follow all other campus rules.

No food or drink in the classroom

Meet dress code

Be on time


Wisdom from the Teacher

Check the web page often.

If you don’t know, ask.

Be polite and friendly; you will catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

People are judged by the friends they keep; choose wisely.

Honesty is always easier in the end.

Take responsibility for yourself. In the end you’re the only one who can.

The better part of wisdom is choosing to be smart.

We are all actors; one does not act the same at court as he or she does at a theme park. Be sure you are putting on the right show at the right time.