Ch 13-15 Test


Chapter 13-15 Test

A. Ashanti

B. Balance of trade

C. Buddhism

D. Bureaucracy

E. Colony

F. Conquistadors

G. Encomienda

H. Mainland states

I. Melaka

J. Mercantilism

K. Middle Passage

L. Plantations

M. sugarcane

N. The Moluccas

O. Triangular trade

1. _______ Spanish conquerors of America

2. _______ the right to use native Americans as slaves

3. _______ settlement in a new territory linked to a parent country by trade

4. _______ economic theory of the seventeenth century

5. _______ difference in value between imports and exports over time

6. _______ the pattern of trade connecting Europe, Africa, and the Americas

7. _______ the journey of slaves from Africa to America

8. _______ large agricultural estates

9. _______ crop introduced to Europe from Southwest Asia

10. _______ Gold Coast State

11. _______ the Spice Islands

12. _______ Islamic sultanate in the Malay Peninsula

13. _______ portion of Southeast Asia comprised of Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, and Cambodia

14. _______ dominant new religion from Burma to Vietnam

15. _______ body of nonelective government officials

A. Absolutism

B. Act of Supremacy

C. Armada

D. Czar

E. Shakespeare

F. De Vega

G. Don Quixote

H. Edict of Nantes

I. Glorious Revolution

J. Inflation

K. John Locke

L. Leviathan

M. Militant

N. Puritans

O. Roundheads

P. The boyars

Q. The Junkers

R. Ultra-Catholics

S. Versailles

T. Witchcraft

16. _______ combative

17. _______ French grant of rights to Huguenots

18. _______ fleet of warships

19. _______ named Elizabeth governor of church and state

20. _______ anti-Huguenot party

21. _______ rising prices

22. _______magic in traditional European village culture

23. _______ William and Mary’s 1688 “invasion” of England

24. _______ parliamentary forces in the 1642 civil war

25. _______ English Calvinist Protestant group

26. _______ idea that rulers had total power

27. _______ Louis XIV’s court location

28. _______ Russian word for caesar

29. _______ members of the Prussian landed aristocracy

30. _______ members of the Russian nobility

31. _______ Thomas Hobbes’s political work

32. _______ novel by Cervantes

33. _______ author of Two Treatises of Government

34. _______ Spanish playwright

35. _______ English playwright

A. “Akbar style”

B. Anarchy

C. Babur

D. Black Hole of Calcutta

E. Grand vizier

F. Gunpowder empires

G. Harem

H. Janissaries

I. Persian

J. Religious orthodoxy

K. Shah

L. Shiite

M. Taj Mahal

N. The East India Company

O. The ulema

36. _______ elite guard of the Ottoman Turks

37. _______ empires united by outside conquerors

38. _______ residence of a sultan and his wives

39. _______ chief official of a sultan

40. _______ Ottoman religious, legal, and educational advisers

41. _______ Persian king

42. _______ Islamic group to which the Safavids belonged

43. _______ conformity to traditional religious beliefs

44. _______ political disorder

45. _______ type of carpets highly prized in the West

46. _______ founder of Mongul dynasty in India

47. _______ private group representing the British crown

48. _______ underground prison used in 1756

49. _______ memorial to an Indian emperor’s wife

50. _______ combined Persian-Indian motifs style of painting