Ch14sec1 Quiz


Write the correct letters in the blanks.

A. Edict of Nantes

B. Ultra-Catholics

C. Act of Supremacy

D. Armada

E. Militant

1. _______ combative

2. _______ French grant of rights to Huguenots

3. _______ fleet of warships

4. _______ named Elizabeth governor of church and state

5. _______ anti-Huguenot party

Circle the letter for the correct answer choice

6. When Henry of Navarre became Henry IV, he

a. Invaded England

b. Attacked Spain

c. Converted to Catholicism

d. Converted to Protestantism

7. During the late Middle Ages, Spain did all of the following EXCEPT

a. Reconquer Muslim areas

b. Expel the Jews

c. Protect Catholicism

d. Invade England

8. One of the richest parts of Philip II’s empire was

a. Morocco

b. The Spanish Netherlands

c. Cuba

d. Ireland

9. Elizabeth Tudor tried to

a. Avoid war with France and Spain

b. Provoke a war with France and Spain

c. Destroy Protestantism

d. Give Catholics special rights

10. The French kings of the sixteenth century managed to

a. Stop the spread of Protestantism

b. Do little to stop the spread of Protestantism

c. Stop the French nobility from becoming Protestant

d. Crush the kingdom of the Bourbons