

Write the correct letters in the blanks.

A. Salvation

B. The Ninety-five Theses

C. Holy Roman emperor

D. Indulgence

E. Christian humanism

1. _______ belief in the ability of humans to reason and improve themselves

2. _______ acceptance into heaven

3. _______ release from punishment for sin

4. _______ Luther’s attack on abuses of the Church

5. _______ title held by Charles V

Circle the letter for the correct answer choice

6. Charles V ruled all of the following lands EXCEPT

a. France

b. Spain

c. The Austrian lands

d. The Low Countries

7. The division of Christianity in Germany into Catholic and Luthern states was recognized by

a. The Treaty of Rome

b. The Peace of Luther

c. The Peace of Augsburg

d. The Edict of Worms

8. Luther taught that

a. The clergy should remain celibate

b. Good works, not faith alone, brings salvation

c. The sacraments promoted the gospel

d. The selling of indulgences was wrong

9. Luther taught that justification by faith (being made right before God) was

a. An abuse used by Catholicism

b. Not sufficient to be saved

c. Acceptable for selling by churches

d. The central idea of Protestantism

10. Erasmus taught that Christianity should

a. Provide a more complex system of beliefs

b. Show people how to lead good lives

c. Sell more relics and indulgences

d. Encourage more pilgrimages and fasting