Theatre Vocabulary week 3

Chiton: An ankle-length or knee-length garment worn by Greek actors.

Choregos: A wealthy patron who had to pay for the costs of producing a play.

Chorus: A company of actors who comment (by speaking or singing in unison) on the action. in a classical Greek play.

Comedy: A light and humorous drama with a happy ending.

Dionysus: The god of wine and fertility.

Drama: A play intended for performance by actors on a stage.

Orchestra: The large circular acting area located at the foot of the hillside in a Greek theater.

Satyr Play: A special type of play that made fun of Greek Legends. We get our word satire from this.

Skene: A stage building that served as dressing rooms during Greek dramatic productions.

Thespis: The first actor who spoke alone.

Thespians: Actors

Tragedy: Drama in which the protagonist is overcome by some superior force or circumstance.