
Guided Reading 18-2

Decide if each statement is true or false. Write T if true or F if false and correct the statement.

1. The National Convention’s first major step on September 21, 1792, was to reestablish the authority of King Louis XVI.

2. The political faction known as the Mountain convinced the National Convention to pass a decree condemning Louis XVI to death.

3. During the Reign of Terror, revolutionary courts were established to settle property disputes between the church and state.

4. In the new French Republic, the title “citizen” and “citizens” replaced “mister” and “madame.”

5. In the dechristianization of France, the National Convention held a public ceremony dedicated to the worship of the monarchy.

6. Another change in French society was to no longer number years from the birth of Christ, but instead to number them from the birth of Muhammad.

7. After the death of Robespierre, revolutionary fervor began to cool.

8. In 1799, a coup d’etat led by Napoleon Bonaparte, toppled the Directory and Napoleon seized power.