Ch 12 Vocabulary

Chapter 12 Vocabulary

Ethnic Group: group of people who share common ancestry, languages, religion, customs, or combination of such characteristics.

Ethnic Cleansing: the expelling from a country or killing of rival ethnic groups.

Refugee: one how flees his or her home for safety.

Urbanization: the movement of people from rural areas to cities.

City-State: in ancient Greece, independent community consisting of a city and the surrounding lands.

Middle Ages: the period of European history from about A.D. 500 to about 1500 A.D.

Feudalism: in medieval Europe and Japan, system of Government in which powerful lords gave land to nobles in return for pledges of loyalty.

Crusades: series of religious wars (A.D. 1100-1300) in which European Christians tried to retake Palestine from Muslim rule.

Renaissance: in Europe, a 300-year period of renewed interest in classical learning and arts, beginning in the 1300’s.

Reformation: religious movement that began in Germany in the 1400’s, leading to the establishment to the Protestants church.

Enlightenment: a movement during the 1700’s, emphasizing the importance of reason and questioning traditional values

Industrial Capitalism: an economic in which business leaders use profit to expand their companies.

Communism: society based on equality in which workers would control industrial production.

Reparations: a payment for damages

Holocaust: the mass killing of 6 million Jews by Germany’s Nazi leaders during World War II

Cold War: the power struggle between the Soviet Union and the United States after World War II

European Union: an organization whose goals is to unite Europe so that goods, services, customs, and workers can move freely among member countries.

Dialect: local form of a language used in a particular place or by a certain group.

Language Family: group of related languages that have all developed from one or either language.

Good Friday Peace Agreement: paved the way for Protestant and Roman Catholic communities to share political power in Northern Ireland.

Romanticism: artistic style emphasizing individual emotions that developed in Europe in the late 1700s and early 1800s as a reaction to industrialization.

Realism: Artistic style portraying everyday life that developed in Europe during the mid-1800s.

Impressionist: artistic style that developed in Europe in the late 1800’s and tried to show the show natural appearance of objects with jabs or strokes of color.

Welfare State: nation in which the government assumes major responsibility for the people’s welfare in areas such as health and education.