Chapter 27 Vocabulary

Chapter 27 Vocabulary

Aborigine: an area’s original inhabitants

Homogenous: of the same or similar kind of nature.

Culture Hearth: a center where cultures developed and from which ideas and traditions spreading outwards.

Dynasty: a ruling house or continuing family of rulers, especially in China.

Clan: tribal community or large group of people related to one another.

Shogun: military ruler in medieval Japan

Samurai: in medieval Japan, a class of professional soldiers who lived by a strict code of personal honor and loyalty to a noble.

Ideogram: a pictorial character or symbol that represents a specific meaning or ideas.

Shamanism: belief in a leader who can communicate with spirits

Lama: Buddhist religious leader.

Acupuncture: an ancient practice that involves inserting fine needles into the body at specific points in order to cure disease and ease pain

Haiku: form of Japanese poetry originally consisting of 17 syllables and three lines, often about nature.

Calligraphy: the art of beautiful handwriting

Pagoda: a style of architecture most often found in traditional East Asia buildings, marked by gracefully curved tile roofs in the tower style.