Chapter 31 Vocabulary

Chapter 31 Vocabulary

Paddy: flooded field in which rice is grown.

Sickle: a large, curved knife with a handle, used to cut grass or tall grains.

Subsistence Crop: producing just enough crops for a family of village to survive.

Cash Crop: a crop is raised to be sold or traded rather than used by the farm family.

Lode: deposit of minerals.

Interdependent: relying on one another for goods, services, and ideas.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN): organization formed in 1967 to promote regional development and trade in Southeast Asia.

Free Port: port city, such as Singapore, can be imported stored and reshipped out without the payment of duties.

Cyclone: storm with heavy rains and high winds that blow in a circular pattern around an area of low atmospheric pressure.

Typhoon: a violent tropical storm that forms in the pacific Oceans, usually in later summer.

Shifting Cultivation: method in which farmers move every few years to find better soil.