
Guide Reading 26-4

1. Even more than World War I, World War II was a ________________ war in which fighting was much more widespread and covered most of the world.

2. Eventually the United States became the ________________ of the Allied powers, producing much of the military equipment needed by the Allies.

3. Over a million ________________ moved from the rural South in the United States, to the cities of the North and West, looking for jobs in industry.

4. On the West Coast, 110,000 ________________ were removed to camps and required to take loyalty oaths.

5. Hitler refused to cut ________________ production or to increase production of ________________ during the first two years of the war.

6. Young Japanese were encouraged to volunteer to serve as pilots or ________________ in ________________ missions against US fighting ships at sea.

7. The first sustained use of ________________ bombing began in early September 1940, as Londoners took the first heavy blows from the German air Force.

8. At the Tehran Conference, the Soviet Union, the United States, and Great Britain agreed to a ________________ of postwar Germany.

9. ________________ said, “A freely elected government in any of these East European countries would be anti-Soviet, and that we cannot allow.”

10. In March 1946, the former British prime minister Winston Churchill declared that ________________ had descended across the continent of Europe.