Chapter 25 Vocabulary

Chapter 25 Vocabulary

Cash Crop: farm crops grown to be sold or traded instead of used by the farm family.

Jute: plant fiber used to make string and cloth.

Green Revolution: programing, begun in the 1960s, to produce higher-yielding, more productive strains of wheat, rice, and other food crop.

Biomass: plant and animal waste used especially as a source of fuel.

Cottage Industry: a business that employs workers in their homes.

Ecotourism: tourism based on concern for the environment.

Sustainable Development: technological and economic growth that does not deplete the human and natural resources of a given area.

Poaching: illegal hunting of protected animals.

Chipko: India’s “tree-huger” movement that protects forests through reforestation and by supporting limited timber production

Nuclear Proliferation: the spreading development of nuclear arms.

Daltis: the “oppressed”; in India, people assigned to the lowest social class.