1. the highest mountains in the world.

2. major ancient cities of the Indus River valley.

3. Indo-Europeans who invaded northern India.

4. set of rigid social categories.

5. belief in a single, universal force called Brahman.

6. The priestly class of Indian society was

7. Reincarnation is the Hindu belief that the individual soul

8. In Hindu belief, karma is a force that

9. Siddhartha denied the reality of

10. The Aryans developed a writing system called ____________


1. _______ 4000-mile transportation route stretching from China to Syria

2. _______ the most famous section of the epic poem, the Mahabharata

3. _______ type of religious structure originally meant to house relics

4. _______ famous Indian mathematician

5. _______ people who travel to religious places

6. The Mauryan Empire flourished under Asoka who did all of the following (List 3)

7. Silk was especially desired by

8. Chinese merchants traded luxury goods for

9. By the late fifteenth century A.D., invasions by nomadic Huns

10. In the first century A.D., in Bactria, known today as Afghanistan, the Kushan Kingdom


1. ancient Chinese dynasty 1750-1122 B.C.

2. Zhou dynasty claim to rulership.

3. duty of family members to male head.

4. “Master King” or First Teacher.

5. system of ideas based on Laozi’s teachings.

6. Chinese script used pictographs, which were

7. The Legalists believed that a strong ruler was needed

8. Confucianism encouraged the Idea of

9. Harmony with nature and the universal order are beliefs of

10. list the innovations of ancient China. (list 3)


1. new dynasty created in 221 B.C.

2. government in power.

3. agency that checked on government officials.

4. founder of the Han dynasty.

5. nomadic people from south of the Gobi.

6. The system of walls linked by Qin Shihuangdi became

7. All of the following existed during the Han Empire EXCEPT

a. Water mills.

b. Paper.

c. Gunpowder.

d. Iron casting.

8. The Qin and Han dynasties both

a. Had strong central governments.

b. Established religions.

c. Started civil wars.

d. Chose officials by birth.

9. In the Han Empire, land-owning farmers

10. In 1974, farmers east of Xian discovered