
Guided Reading 19 – 3

I. The Crimean War was the result of a struggle between __________________ and the __________________.

A. Russia was interested in expanding its power into the __________________.

B. Fearful of Russian power, __________________ and __________________ declared war on Russia.

C. The Crimean War destroyed the __________________ of Europe.

II. On March 17, 1861, King Victor __________________ II proclaimed a new kingdom of Italy.

III. Under Bismarck, Prussia organized the Northern German states into a __________________.

A. In 1870, __________________ armies defeated an entire French army and the French ruler.

B. The southern German states agreed to enter the __________________ German Confederation.

IV. By giving the __________________ class a voice in rule, Britain avoided revolution in 1848.

V. The French were defeated in the __________________ and the Second Napoleonic Empire fell.

VI. The __________________ of 1867 created dual monarchies in Austria and Hungary.

VII. The __________________ of Alexander II in 1881 returned Russia to the old methods of repression.

VIII. The end of the American Civil War meant that the United States would be “one nation, __________________.”

IX. In 1840, the British Parliament formally joined Upper and Lower Canada into the United __________________ of Canada.