
Guided Reading 20-3

I. By the late nineteenth century, major European states were establishing __________________, __________________, and individual __________________.

A. In Great Britain, the __________________ and __________________ Parties alternated in power

B. In 1875, a new __________________ turned France into a republic.

C. Constant turmoil between __________________ and __________________ weakened the social fabric of Italy.

II. The __________________ and __________________ European nations pushed much different policies from their western counterparts.

A. In Germany, ministers of government were responsible not to parliament but to the __________________.

B. Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary largely __________________ the parliament, issuing his own decrees and laws.

C. Nicolas II of Russia believed the __________________ power of the __________________ should be preserved.

III. Four years of Civil War preserved American national __________________.

A. By 1900, the United States had become the world’s __________________ nation.

B. America gained control over __________________, __________________, __________________, __________________, and the __________________.

IV. By 1871, the Dominion of Canada extended from the __________________ to the __________________.

V. A series of crises in the __________________ between set the stages for World War I.

A. In 1908, Austria-Hungary took the step of __________________ Bosnia and Herzegovina.

B. The Russians opposed this move and supported __________________.

C. By 1914, these countries viewed each other with __________________.