Chapter 16 section 2 Quiz


Write the correct letters in the blanks.

A. Imperial City

B. Commercial capitalism

C. Clan

D. Footbinding

E. Blue and white porcelain

1. _______ private business based on profit

2. _______ traditional custom for Chinese women

3. _______ walled compound inside Beijing

4. _______ most famous Chinese decorative arts

5. _______ group of many related families

Circle the letter for the correct answer choice

6. All of the following changes occurred in China between 1500 and 1800 EXCEPT

a. An increase in population

b. Improvements in the food supply

c. Growth in manufacturing and trade

d. An increase in available land

7. Private business-for-profit did not increase in China for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

a. Government control of manufacturing and trade

b. Heavy taxes on imports

c. Disrespect for farming as a profession

d. Chinese attitudes toward trade and manufacturing

8. The ideal family unit in Qing China consisted of

a. The extended family

b. Two parents and one child

c. Male children plus parents

d. One-parent households

9. Between 1500 and 1800, 85 percent of Chinese people were

a. Bureaucrats

b. Farmers

c. Merchants

d. Soldiers

10. The Forbidden City was

a. Closed to women

b. Closed to foreigners

c. Closed to commoners

d. Shunned by Christians