
Guided Reading 25-4

1. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Latin American economy was based largely on the export of __________________ and __________________.

2. The fact that __________________ in the United States controlled many Latin American industries __________________ Latin Americans.

3. The United States had intervened __________________ in Latin American for years.

4. In 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt announced that __________________, a policy __________________ the use of US military force in Latin America.

5. The total value of Latin American __________________ in 1930 was almost __________________ below the figures for the years between 1925 and 1929.

6. Being low on __________________ to buy manufactured goods, Latin American governments encouraged the development of new __________________ to produce goods.

7. A trend toward __________________ increased during the 1930s.

8. Argentina was controlled by an __________________, a government where a select group of people exercises control.

9. A military coup made Getulio Vargas, a wealthy rancher, president of Brazil, and in 1937 Vargas made himself.

10. Lazaro Cardenas, president of Mexican from 1934 to 1940, distributed 44 million acres of land to landless Mexican __________________, a move that made him enormously popular.

11. In major cities such as __________________ in Argentina and __________________ in Brazil, wealthy elites expressed great interests in the work of modern artists.