Ch13s1 Quiz


Write the correct letters in the blanks.

A. Balance of trade

B. Mercantilism

C. Colony

D. Conquistadors

E. Encomienda

1. _______ Spanish conquerors of America

2. _______ the right to use native Americans as slaves

3. _______ settlement in a new territory linked to a parent country by trade

4. _______ economic theory of the seventeenth century

5. _______ difference in value between imports and exports over time

Circle the letter for the correct answer choice

6. European expansion was driven by all of the following EXCEPT

a. fear of African empires

b. Wealth and trade

c. religious zeal

d. political ambition

7. Portugal maintained a colonial or trade interest in all of the following EXCEPT

a. India

b. South America

c. West Africa

d. North America

8. The Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 gave Spain control of almost all of

a. Europe

b. Africa

c. Asia

d. The Americas

9. The Aztec rulers of Mexico fought against the forces of which Spanish warrior?

a. Francisco Pizarro

b. Pedro Alvares Cabral

c. Hernán Cortés

d. Bartolomé de Las Casas

10. The English established colonies or trade relations in all of the following locations EXCEPT

a. Massachusetts

b. New York

c. Brazil

d. Northwestern India