1st 6wks WH

8-26 day 1

Introductions. Assignment: In the beginning step 1. Research creation myths/theories. ( the students will research a creation myth)

Day 2

Students will present Creation Myth Stories from around the world.

Day 3

Students will finish presenting creation myth.

Day 4

Students will Read Chapter 1 (page 19-31) from the Glencoe World History book. There will be class discussion to follow.

Day 5

Holistic grouping. Assignment: In the beginning step 2: Students will discuss and compare myths. the students will be divided into groups (3 to 4 students each) and prepare a 5 minute presentation over their Myth. (In the Begining presentation)

9-2 No School

Labor Day

Day 6

Group project time. Assignment: In the begging step 3: Students will develop their projects.

Day 7

Group project time. Assignment: In the begging step 3: Students will develop their projects.

Day 8

Present projects. Assignment: In the begging step 4: Every student will be equally responsible for the presentation.

Day 9

Evaluate the Myths. Assignment: In the Begging day 5: the students as a class must rank the myths according to their moral and social value.

9-9 Day 10

Chapter 1. Early Humans & the Neolithic revolution. (Worksheet CH1GR)

Day 11

Chapter 2. Mesopotamia & the Nile. (Worksheet CH2GR)

Day 12

The Gift of the Nile. Book work and discussion.

Day 13

New centers of civilization. Book work and Lecture.

Day 14

The Rise of new Empires. Book work and review.

9-16 DAY 15


Day 16

Early Civilization in India. (Worksheet CH3GR)

Day 17

New Empires in India

Day 18

Early Chines Civilization

Day 19

Rise and Fall of Chinese Empire

9-23 Day 20

Review Ch 3

Day 21

Chapter 3 test

Head Chapter 4 section 1 (Finish for Home Work) (CH4GR)

Day 22

Chapter 4 section 2

Day 23

Chapter 4 section 3

Day 24

Chapter 4 section 4

9-30 Day 25

Day 26

Chapter 4 section 5

Day 27

Review for chapter 4 test

Day 28

Chapter 4 test

Start Chapter 5 section 1 (CH5GR)

Day 29

Ch 5 sec 1 discusion. The republic.

Day 30

Ch 5 Sec 1 Quiz

Ch2 sec 2 GR