Ch 18 Vocabulary

Chapter 18 Vocabulary

Ethnic Diversity: differences among groups of people based on their origins, languages, customs, or beliefs.

Infrastructure: the basic urban necessities like streets and utilities.

Domesticate: to adapt plants and animals from the wild to make them useful too people.

Culture Hearth: a center where cultures developed and from which ideas and traditions spread outwards.

Cuneiform: Sumerian writing system using wedged shapes and symbols pressed into clay tablets.

Hieroglyph: Egyptian writing system using pictures and symbols to represent words or sounds.

Quant: underground canal used in water systems of ancient Persians.

Monotheism: belief in one God.

Prophet: person believed to be a messenger from God.

Mosque: is Islam, a house of public worship.

Nationalism: belief in the right of each people to be an independent nation.

Nationalize: to place a company or industry under government control.

Embargo: a ban on Trade.

Ziggurat: large step-like temple of mud brick built in ancient Mesopotamia.

Bedouin: member of the nomadic desert people of North Africa and Southwest Africa.

Bazaar: a traditional marketplace ranging from a single street of stalls to an entire district.