Chapter 24 Vocabulary

Chapter 24 Vocabulary

Jati: in traditional Hinduism society, a social group that defines family’s occupation and social standings.

Megalopolis: a “super-city” that is made up of several large and small cities such as the area between Boston and Washington, DC

Dharma: in Hinduism, a person’s moral duty, based on class distinction, which guides his or her life.

Reincarnation: In Hindu belief, being reborn repeatedly in different forms, until one over comes earthly desires.

Karma: in Hindu belief, the sum of good and bad actions in one’s present and past lives.

Nirvana: in Buddhism, ultimate state of peace and insight toward which people strive.

Raj: Hindu word for empires.

Guru: a teacher or spiritual guide.

Mantra: in Hinduism, a sacred word or phrase repeated in prayers and chants.

Sadhu: a Hindu hermit or holy man.

Stupa: a dome-shaped structure that serves as Buddhist shrine.

Dzong: a fortified monastery of Bhutan, South Asia.