Capter 16 section 1 Guided reading

Guided Reading 16-1

1. How far did the Chinese empire extend under the Ming emperors?

2. What was the beneficial effect of building the Grand Canal?

3. What animal brought from East Africa especially fascinated the Chinese emperor?

4. What was significant about the arrival of a Portuguese fleet off the coast of China in 1514?

5. How did both Chinese and Europeans benefit from their early cultural exchange?

6. What happened to the last Ming emperor?

7. What did the Manchu rulers order to make it easier to identify rebel forces?

8. How did the Qing deal with the problem of being ethnically and culturally different from the Chinese population?

9. Who was perhaps the greatest emperor in Chinese history?

10. What led to unrest in rural areas during the rule of Qianlong?

11. When a British mission visited Beijing in 1793 seeking more liberal trade policies, how did Emperor Qianlong reply?