Color Experiment

Name of the Experiment: The Color Experiment

Performed by:________________________________________


The Problem: What happens when you mix red, yellow and blue in different combinations?

The Hypothesis:


The Experiment: You will need a white piece of paper, 1-3 paint brushes, 6 glasses, water, a liquid measuring cup, and food coloring. Fill three glasses with 1/2 cup water and put 10 drops of blue food coloring into the first glass, 10 drops of red food coloring into the second glass, and 10 drops of yellow food coloring into the third glass. Use your measuring cup to pour 1/4 cup blue water plus 1/4 cup yellow water into an empty glass. Use a paint brush to paint some of the water on the white piece of paper. Record the results. Repeat the process until you have made and observed each of the combinations on the chart below.

Observations: Record the results when you mix:

Blue + Yellow =

Blue + Red =

Red + Yellow =

Interpretation and Conclusion: