Four Classical Composers

These four great composers

Lived in the eighteenth century

When the music was baroque and classical

And the purpose was God's glory.

Antonio Vivaldi

Was called the red-haired priest.

He was born in Venice, Italy,

The city on the Adriatic Sea.

He wrote "The Four Seasons"

And other concertos for the crowd.

He was a violin virtuoso,

And recited psalms aloud.

Johann Sebastian Bach-

From a musical family-

Himself had twenty children

In his homeland of Germany.

He wrote the Brandenberg Concerto

And over 1000 pieces that he penned.

He wrote "Jesu Juva" to begin

And "Soli Deo Gloria" at the end.

George Frideric Handel

Was a composer at only eight.

For King George's coronation

He wrote "The Water Symphony" to celebrate.

The king bade him stand and play again

For the music was so good.

But when Handel performed "The Messiah"

It was the king who stood.

Franz Josef Haydn

The Father of Symphony

Was a practical joker

As in his "Surprise Symphony!"

The second of seventeen children,

He lived in Austria as a boy

He wrote beautiful music for he said

The Creator gave him joy.