Hanging Sachets for Closets

These hanging sachets make nice gifts and can be made even by young children. You will need: yarn, matching fabric, cotton balls and whole cloves.

  1. Make a bundle of 15 strands of yarn, cut into 30 inch lengths.
  2. Tie an 8 inch piece of yarn around the middle of the bundle. (Find the middle by folding the bundle in half.) Tie a knot in the end of the 8 inch piece of yarn to form a loop.
  3. Hold the loop between your knees, and divide the strands into three groups for braiding. (There will be 10 strands in each group.) Braid the bundle.
  4. Tie the end of the braid with a 10 inch piece of yarn, which is then tied into a little bow.
  5. Cut 4 circles of fabric with pinking shears. (You can make a pattern using a compass or you can draw around the edges of an upturned bowl so that the circles are about 7 to 8 inches in diameter.)
  6. Place 3 cotton balls and 6 whole cloves in the middle of each circle of fabric. To make the sachet, draw up the sides of the fabric around the cotton balls, and tie with a 10 inch piece of yarn. The extra fabric should ruffle above the tie.
  7. Tie each sachet to the braided yarn.
  8. Your hanging sachet is complete!