
I was reading this news item (which includes the video below by Rachel Campbell) and thought to track down the nifty tune. Turned out to be by Ben Howard, titled The Fear. Reminds me of the outstanding Dave Grey and that (also awesome) Aussie multi-instrumentalist, Xavier Rudd.

Rachel pushing the fear envelope with sharks . . .

On my quick quest for the song , first off the

following turned up (which I quite liked) . . .

And then the performance by this

extremely talented young guy. . .

Seagullpie, by the wayside, is my YouTube site

(which needs more attention than I've give it).

. . .

— M U S I N G —

One of the reasons I was attracted to this ditty was the basic premise of all living our lives in the "confines of fear". Now, don't get me wrong, one has no problem with this whatsoever. I mean, how else could it work? It's rather beautiful when you start to think about it. This 'ring of fire'. It's like a skin around things to keep everything in order. From quark to quasar, with creatures (as we understand the term more commonly) in the middle. There was that quite good movie Three Kings, with good old George Clooney, versatile Mark Wahlberg and always so seriously focused Ice Cube, amongst others. At one point somebody asks somebody about themselves and the reply is that they belong to a Christian outfit called The Ring Of Fire. The explanation of which was that we all live surrounded by a ring of cautionary fire and that whatever God puts in one's way, well, one simply deals with it. Impressive. A simple yet powerful philosophy that even a Barry Manilow fan could relate to, possibly. (Just joking.) That's about all I want to note, really, apart from this: When we enter The Living Wind everything changes. We leave our 'subjective preoccupation with ourselves' (to borrow a phrase from an aphorism by Matsuo Basho, the father of evolutionary haiku). In the living wind we have entered into the flow of events without prejudice of forethought. To quote Alice Walker (author of The Color Purple), we find ourselves 'living frugally on surprise'. To enter the living wind we needs must pass through a mild enough ring of fire. Not so hard to do. All it requires is the intent and all else follows. Have a go and test this out for yourselves; maybe next time you leave the house to pop to the shop . . .

electronic sky—

out in a summer storm, lit

by distant cities

. . .


— C O M I C R E L I E F —


(flock control using fear and favour)

NOTE: Includes an interesting interview with David Icke.

jp 23-06-12

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