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百骸九竅の中に物有、かりに名付て風羅坊といふ。誠にうすものゝかぜに破れやすからん事をいふにやあらむ。かれ狂句を好 こと久し。終に生涯の [1]はかりことゝなす。ある時は倦て放擲せん事をおもひ、ある時はすゝむで人にかたむ事をほこり、是非胸中にたゝかふて、是が爲に身安からず。しばらく 身を立む事をねがへども、これが爲にさへられ、暫ク學で愚を曉ン事をおもへども、是が爲に破られ、つゐに無能無藝にして只此一筋に繋る。西行の和哥におけ る、宗祇の連哥における、雪舟の繪における、利休が茶における、其貫道する物は一なり。しかも風雅におけるもの造化にしたがひて四時を友とす。見る處花に あらずといふ事なし。おもふ所月にあらずといふ事なし。像、花にあらざる時は夷狄にひとし。心、花にあらざる時は鳥獸に類ス。夷狄を出、鳥獸を離れて、造 化にしたがひ造化にかへれとなり。

Organic matter in the nine corpses 竅 hundred Toiu Bowler named Te wind, if at all. Aramaic and in awethat the wind ゝ ん fragile thin indeed. A good thing he Kyoku eaves. It measured lifetime [1] ゝ I finallymade​​. Sometimes that does not Hoteki Omoi Te 倦, when there is dust or toms that no person in thesoot, or come ゝ Futeru was in his breast, only to 爲 Yasukara First desperately. Even negative things toyourself while standing free, this is He shall be permitted to be in 爲, Omoe Even things morn the folly in the University network Interim emissions, 是 爲 is broken, only 此 devoted to non gay incompetenceTsuini I will take on. Nari is one thing that you put in the sum of Saigyo 哥, in sequential 哥 Sogi, inKai of Sesshu, in tea, the way 其貫 Rikyu. I suppose your friend was four o'clock and noon to Zoka intasteful yet things. Not to 處花 without Toiu see. No I can not be in the months where Omou Toiu.When there is no image, the flower is equal to the Barbarians. When there is no heart, the flowersgraphics class to 獸 bird. Zoka or spatula to noon and left the Barbarians, away 獸 bird has been intothe structure.

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100 Mukuro 9 unparalleled in the thing shall, if name has wind-band and fear. Torn by cold not the mistress used, easy I dont thing you fear to Hi MI. His comic, like that long. Finally a clue of life [1], do not be used. Not 放擲 there are times when things malaise as the main day, sometimes in すゝむ dust who keep things, come with ゝか monitor inconstancy, 安からず yourself to act is. While himself whose standing blocked may well that to act, due 暫ク in the journal of folly Wonhyo campaign funny thing is broken on parthenogenesis may well-無藝 inability to TEWI, free 繋る gung-ho on this. K. Marriott Hotel West line in, Rikyu penetration to road in Sogi-Marriott Hotel, in waves of Sesshu in tea and things are getting one. Things in a tasteful and creation that is not 4 friend intends. And see some flowers is not comprehensive without it. Fun place is not, and fear no thing. Hitoshi: images, flowers, it is EBIS equal. When not in hearts and flowers are 類ス birds 32nd. Is out for the barbarians off bird veterinary, was structured, it became and へれ.

Bing Translator

100 Mukuro 9 unparalleled in the thing shall, if name has wind-band and fear. Torn by cold not the mistress used, easy I dont thing you fear to Hi MI. His comic, like that long. Finally a clue of life [1], do not be used. Not 放擲 there are times when things malaise as the main day, sometimes in すゝむ dust who keep things, come with ゝか monitor inconstancy, 安からず yourself to act is. While himself whose standing blocked may well that to act, due 暫ク in the journal of folly Wonhyo campaign funny thing is broken on parthenogenesis may well-無藝 inability to TEWI, free 繋る gung-ho on this. K. Marriott Hotel West line in, Rikyu penetration to road in Sogi-Marriott Hotel, in waves of Sesshu in tea and things are getting one. Things in a tasteful and creation that is not 4 friend intends. And see some flowers is not comprehensive without it. Fun place is not, and fear no thing. Hitoshi: images, flowers, it is EBIS equal. When not in hearts and flowers are 類ス birds 32nd. Is out for the barbarians off bird veterinary, was structured, it became and へれ.


In The Shell 9 hundred 竅 ones to be with the name hunting wind-not hide and Ra. cold mounting snowdrifts that weak indeed from easy to have torn to tremble with fear and be a thing. If you have a good Hisashi clause to be crazy. To put an end to the life [1 ] scales to make mounting snowdrifts. At the time was at a loss to abandoning a thing at the time, people in Gakumon no things to be proud of you have in mind, I have been writing or mounting snowdrifts in (September) tamesaburo depreciation, this is. Time to take root in the things we do, to be in to the (September) tamesaburo, Satoru shibaraku. As lessons in the foolish things in a bank to be broken, so that the (September) tamesaburo Inokuchi, incompetent to non-arts to this free tethered to a muscle. The poet Saigyo UTA in the series, Sougi uta of Sesshu, Chie in Rikyu, in a way consistent with that in tea, and the ones that. In addition to the creator in tasteful to deny that have a 4 :00 and friends. 2004.10 to see flowers without being Not-IF-THEN without the things. Support for Office 2007 also not without the things NOT-if-then. When the image is to be the flowers to barbarians to be identified. When we had to be in mind, flowers, birds, cloven. cloven barbarians and off the bird, but to build a fire to the creator and IT.


In The Shell 9 hundred 竅 ones to be with the name hunting wind-not hide and Ra. cold mounting snowdrifts that weak indeed from easy to have torn to tremble with fear and be a thing. If you have a good Hisashi clause to be crazy. To put an end to the life [1 ] scales to make mounting snowdrifts. At the time was at a loss to abandoning a thing at the time, people in Gakumon no things to be proud of you have in mind, I have been writing or mounting snowdrifts in (September) tamesaburo depreciation, this is. Time to take root in the things we do, to be in to the (September) tamesaburo, Satoru shibaraku. As lessons in the foolish things in a bank to be broken, so that the (September) tamesaburo Inokuchi, incompetent to non-arts to this free tethered to a muscle. The poet Saigyo UTA in the series, Sougi uta of Sesshu, Chie in Rikyu, in a way consistent with that in tea, and the ones that. In addition to the creator in tasteful to deny that have a 4 :00 and friends. 2004.10 to see flowers without being Not-IF-THEN without the things. Support for Office 2007 also not without the things NOT-if-then. When the image is to be the flowers to barbarians to be identified. When we had to be in mind, flowers, birds, cloven. cloven barbarians and off the bird, but to build a fire to the creator and IT.


Hundred 骸 the thing possession, name attaching temporarily in nine 竅, the wind 羅 cell question hu.Thin easily the empty it is to tear truly in the thing & cold thing to be, and it is rough in the hu the mu.Growing hoarse mania phrase good thing it is long. Life [1] you measure in the end and thing HKRPTform. At the time of a certain 倦 te abandonment plug thing the main hi, it does the time of a certain,HKRPT with the mu in the person one mu thing the dust, by all means is in feeling HKRPT the hu te, rightin the 爲 the body cheaply not driving. For a while, the body don't you think? stand mu thing though to,this in the 爲 to pass, with the 暫 ku 學 folly 曉 n thing though to the main thing, right to be torn in the爲, merely 此 earnestly in the wi to a disabled non 藝 the 繋 ru. The bucket ru, in the connected 哥 ofthe sect 祇, in the 繪 of the snow boat in the harmony 哥 of west line, the interest 休 in brown,those which the 其 貫 road are done become one. Furthermore it made the thing creation inelegantly but it designates hi te four o'clock as the friend. You question there is no place flowerwhich you see and there is no hu thing. You question there is no main hu place month and there is no hu thing. The image, in the flower roughly at the time of the za ru it is equal in the barbarian.Heart, it is rough in the flower at the time of the za ru in the bird 獸 type su. It came out of thebarbarian, it made structure conversion from the bird 獸 separated, but whether in hi creation to itbecomes the re.


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Machine translation is useful for getting a rough overview of what documents written in another language are saying, but the results are seldom perfect.

This is particularly true of so-called pro-drop languages like Japanese, where words are often omitted from sentences when they can be understood from the context.

Another problem is that the Japanese language includes many levels of honorific speech, which means that the same sentence can be said in a number of different ways depending on the relative status of the person being addressed. source →


From The Knapsack Notebook (source):

"Within this temporal body composed of a hundred bones and nine holes there resides a spirit which, for lack of an adequate name, I think of as windblown. Like delicate drapery, it may be torn away and blown off by the least breeze. It brought me to writing poetry many years ago, initially for its own gratification, but eventually as a way of life. True, frustration and rejection were almost enough to bring this spirit to silence, and sometimes pride brought it to the brink of vanity. From the writing of the very first line, it has found no contentment as it was torn by one doubt after another. This windblown spirit considered the security of court life at one point; at another, it considered risking a display of its ignorance by becoming a scholar. But its passion for poetry would not permit either. Since it knows no other way than the way of poetry, it has clung to it tenaciously."


"Saigyo in poetry, Sogi in linked verse, Sesshu in painting, Rikkyu in the tea ceremony—the spirit that moves them is one spirit. Achieving artistic excellence, each holds one attribute in common: each remains attuned to nature throughout the four seasons. Whatever is seen by such a heart and mind is a flower, whatever is dreamed is a moon. Only a barbarian mind could fail to see the flower; only an animal mind could fail to dream a moon. The first task for each artist is to overcome the barbarian or animal heart and mind, to become one with nature."

- Sam Hamill (source)

In his essay in Basho’s Poetic Spaces (33), Barnhill quotes the Knapsack Notebook:

"Saigyo’s waka, Sogi’s renga, Sesshu’s painting, Rikyu’s tea ceremony – one thread runs through the artistic Ways. And this artistic [aesthetic?] spirit is to follow zoka, to be a companion to the turning of the four seasons. Nothing one sees is not a flower, nothing one imagines is not the moon. If what is seen is not a flower, one is like a barbarian; if what is imagined is not a flower, one is like a beast. Depart from the barbarian, break away from the beast, follow zoka, return to zoka."

Barnhill’s footnote to “the Creative” (151): “An important and complex idea in Basho’s view of nature derived from the Zhuangzi and later Chinese philosophic and aesthetic traditions. The term refers not to nature in our normal sense of the world, but to nature’s skillful creativity that beautifully transforms the natural world.”

Also see: Interviews with David Landis Barnhill, Simply Haiku 2005 / 2011 (zoka quote) / PDF 2011

Peipei Qui, author of Basho and the Dao: The Zhuangazi and the Transformation of Haikai:

"In the waka of Saigyo, the renga of Sogi, the painting of Sesshu, and the tea of Rikyu, the fundamental principal is the same. Those who pursue art follow zoka and have the four seasons as their companion. Nothing they see is not a flower and nothing they imagine is not the moon. If one sees no flower, he is the same as a barbarian; if one has no moon in mind, he is no different from the birds and the beasts. Go beyond the barbarians and depart from animals; follow zoka and return to zoka."

Simply Haiku , An Interview with Professor Peipei Qiu:

"In the waka of Saigyo, the renga of Sogi, the paintings of Sesshu and the tea ceremony of Rikyu, one fundamental principle runs through all arts: those who pursue art follow zoka, and have the four seasons as their companion. Everything they see is like a flower and everything they imagine is like the moon. If one sees no flower, he is the same as a barbarian; if one has no moon in mind, he is no different from the birds and the beasts. Go beyond the barbarians and depart from the animals; follow zoka and return to zoka."

East Asian Cultural and Historical Perspectives: Histories and Society, by Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, Jennifer W. Jay, University of Alberta. Research Institute for Comparative Literature and Cross-Cultural Studies (source):


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Basho on the Poetics of Travel Writing

From The Knapsack Notebook

(in Narrow Road to the Interior and Other Writings, translated by Sam Hamill, Shambhala, 2000)

Within this temporal body composed of a hundred bones and nine holes there resides a spirit which, for lack of an adequate name, I think of as windblown. Like delicate drapery, it may be torn away and blown off by the least breeze. It brought me to writing poetry many years ago, initially for its own gratification, but eventually as a way of life. True, frustration and rejection were almost enough to bring this spirit to silence, and sometimes pride brought it to the brink of vanity. From the writing of the very first line, it has found no contentment as it was torn by one doubt after another. This windblown spirit considered the security of court life at one point; at another, it considered risking a display of its ignorance by becoming a scholar. But its passion for poetry would not permit either. Since it knows no other way than the way of poetry, it has clung to it tenaciously.

Saigyo in poetry, Sogi in linked verse, Sesshu in painting, Rikkyu in the tea ceremony—the spirit that moves them is one spirit. Achieving artistic excellence, each holds one attribute in common: each remains attuned to nature throughout the four seasons. Whatever is seen by such a heart and mind is a flower, whatever is dreamed is a moon. Only a barbarian mind could fail to see the flower; only an animal mind could fail to dream a moon. The first task for each artist is to overcome the barbarian or animal heart and mind, to become one with nature. (pp. 55-56)

• • •

From my earliest times, the art of the travel journal has been appreciated by readers. The great Ki-no-Tsurayuki wrote the famous Tosa Journal, and Kamo-no-Chomei recorded life in a ten-foot-square hut. The nun Abutsu perfected the genre. My brush, lacking both wisdom and inspiration, strives vainly to be their equal.

How easy it is to note that a morning began with rain only to become sunny in the afternoon; that a pine tree stood at a particular place, or to note the name of a river bend. This is what people write in their journals. Nothing's worth noting that is not seen with fresh eyes. You will find in my notebook random observations from along the road, experiences and images that linger in heart and mind—a secluded house in the mountains, a lonely inn on a moor.

I write in my notebook with the intention of stimulating good conversation, hoping that it will also be of use to some fellow traveler. But perhaps my notes are mere drunken chatter, the incoherent babbling of a dreamer. If so, read them as such. (p. 57)

• • •

Throughout my three days in Yoshino, I enjoyed the opportunity to study cherry blossoms at various hours, predawn to dusk and past midnight when the moon was growing pale. I was too moved to write even one poem, especially when my melancholy heart remembered famous poems by Saigyo and other ancient poets. All my lofty pretenses and ambitions aside, my journey produced no poetry. pp. 67-68)

• • •

I was moved [. . .] by the beauty of the natural world, rarely seen natural vistas and coastlines. I visited temporary hermitages of ancient sages. Even better, I met people who had given over their whole lives to the search for truth in art. With no real home of my own, I wasn't interested in accumulating treasures. And since I traveled empty-handed, I didn't worry much about robbers.

I walked at a leisurely pace, preferring my walk even to riding a palanquin, eating my fill of coarse vegetables while refusing meat. My way turned on a whim since I had no set route to follow. My only concerns were whether I'd find suitable shelter for the night or how well straw sandals fit my feet. Eacj twist in the road brought new sights, each dawn renewed my inspiration. Wherever I met another person with even the least appreciation for artistic excellence, I was overcome with joy. Even those I'd expected to be stubbornly old-fashioned often proved to be good companions. People often say that the greatest pleasures of traveling are finding a sage hidden behind weeds or treasures hidden in trash, gold among discarded pottery. Whenever I encountered someone of genius, I wrote about it in order to tell my friends. (p. 69)

• • •

"Basho was struggling to achieve a resonance between the fleeting moment and the eternal, between the instant of awareness and the vast emptiness of Zen." —Sam Hamill
