Jul 2

  1. Yay! ^_^ Half through July already. Where does the time go - same place as light?


click pic

Adam's ale


Adam's ale - the meaning and origin of this saying.



collective silence

like I walked into the wrong room

every horned head turned

From: Bicycle Haiku by Kevin Kelly


in a farmer's windy room

the floral carpet is



two experiences fly past

then some smaller-

an owl family

in the moonlight another


PANENTHEISM VS. PANTHEISM: "At the start of its momentary career as a subject, an experience is God--as the divine initial aim. As the experience carries on its choosing process, it is a freely aiming reality that is not strictly God, since it departs from God's purpose to some degree." - Alan Anderson



all in a dream

Frankenstein cherry blossoms

eat Japan

Learn more

item 17

after 4.54 billion years

the adverts come on-

summer rain


. . .

EXPERIMENTS WITH SOUND c l i c k p i c s


. . .


"Natalie, don't act crazy, come out and watch television!" - Me Natalie(1969)


in a wooded valley

he make-believes each one

is here

all in their various spots

of not just summer


A classic of its kind (in several parts on YouTube) . . .

. . . and we need to pop this companion theme which " touches a universal "

Here's Janis Ian as a younger singer which changes the poignancy to a time in life where

all these things matter much more than the do in later years : press to play

. . .

(Ibibio Face Mask, Nigeria. Wood, plant fiber, encrustation)

mask pics 19

"Ibio-ibio" means short or brief and doesn't have anything to do

with height of the Ibibios. The name was given due the ibibios

brief way of doing things. - Wikipedia


so scruffy and crass

the sparrow's children-

splashing in dust

haiku or hokku -- is there a difference? http://tinyurl.com/haikuorhokkuhttp://tinyurl.com/hokkuorhaiku


across the valley

the weight of moonlight

shouldered by barley

This moonlit valley is becoming a favourite haunt of mine, in actuality and in dream. Yes, the narrow-shouldered barley is legion at present. How swift the time. It was all ploughed fields a few lemon drizzle cakes ago.

video-3 20

over another farmer's gate

yet still the skylark

sends notes

NOTE: Skylarks fly at their zenith which is the apex of a TERRITORIAL CONE. From this vantage point they scan their domain and sing messages to the world around them. Of course, a farmer's field boundary is of no consequence to a skylark. In this respect, skylarks teach us to *read the land* in a much different manner than perhaps we are habitually used to. This can reveal many things to the observant eye and guarantees much novel delight. On a haiku walk ( ginko ) it is essential reading; for there a many more maps than have yet been discovered by map scientists.

— S P E C I A L R E P O R T —

Empress' Old Clothes

An example of how to maintain an illusionary reality ---

simply censor everything which contradicts illusion . . .

Continue reading →

item 21

"VOIDAL: This definition could be expanded. The idea of 'hallway' is worth a thought. Maybe a radius in 3-D ma, or a corridor with no ends in the space between two movie frames. Apply this to my origination of ma as occupying the pause between stimulus and response. You know, that cognitive place where decisions are optioned before we lash out, or flee, or stay and play." - The Haiku Professor


like petrol,

going slow is better-

summer drizzle


upside-down trees

in passing headlights

their camouflage

Old Boys & Girls Club

last leaf

falls as light


continue reading →


following my old bootprints

a summer's walk


"It is nice to have one's own paths in the rural countryside and up in the wilder places. Frankly, most of the longer paths these days are little trod. I'm happy about the privacy, but there are concerns about public health issues attached to my unsullied delight." - jp


NOTE: Well, yes, "public health issues". If I'm the only person leaving human spoor on the longer local trails, then what does this say about people getting fresh air and exercise? The Mapperton walk (for example) is one of several longish walks available to villagers. Like all the other permissible nearby trails, one may wander across the local landscape and enjoy terrific views, wonderful weather variety and, of course, nature in abundance -- around the wheel of the year. Easily accessible to one and all they are. Therefore, ipso factotum, one has "concerns about public health issues". One advantage (other than privacy to deepen into the experience) is that dog excrement thins out in direct proportion to radial extension from my rubble stone cottage!

check last link → here


yes little moth,

in the halogen's dark-

let's do the movie

"The last moon was Moon of Flowers. This new one is Rose Moon. There are other names. Only if it is Full Moon do we prefix 'The'. For the rest of the lunation cycle (about 28 days) the absence of 'The' means it is any of the nights other than the Full Moon. This subject can get as complex as you like. Best thing, as always is to keep it simple. " - jp

continue reading →



a young buzzard dives-

cumulus dreams

OR ( less haiku/hokku, more Imagist )


a young buzzard dives

through cumulus

"I like them both. The second version is a great memory of the pure physics of the event. The first version is required reading. I mean, that had to be said -- as an afterthought." - jp


"Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body and calls attention to an unhealthy state of things."

- Winston Churchill


in a cat's eye

her tail entwines-

pea sticks


"I have tried to give up poetry and remain silent," he said, "but every time I did so a poetic sentiment would solicit my heart and something would flicker in my mind. Such is the magic spell of poetry." - Basho


mossy stones-

pop goes at least several

little red tails


That's Long Knoll sweltering on a dog day afternoon in England. The sheep and cattle have disappeared. No birds fly. There is a terrible shimmering silence. I am a mirage travelling through a mirage.


"Step into living wind's furyu of zoka as makoto in kokoro; in indigo twilight of yugan, ripple on an ancient pond. Betwixt stimulus and response, enter unto boundless silence of ma. Thus, by sacrifice of petty ego, thine empty heart may become object of contemplation. Be brave, know such things are so." - Wizard of Tao


flying spiders-

their sticky trails, don't breath

the dark


"Is it worse to be fake or bitchy?" - Waverly Bryson


silhouetted on a roof

the snail of night

at dawn

Like flies, snails seem not to worry about being vertical or upside down. But, climbing up the side of a house in a very serendipitous manner (scribbling a shining trail as forensic evidence) makes one wonder about what snails are all about. Imagine you are a snail. It's night and you're out and about doing your nocturnal snail thing. You bump into something and it happens to be the wall of a house. You slither around in the up direction, sort off. Eventually your trail stops dead. You simply vanish. This is my experience with snails. Their trail ceases and leaves a mystery to puzzle over. In the case of this ku's subject, I imagined that the snail in question was watching the sunrise perched on the roof ridge's horizon. Presumably choosing to appear there after transdimensionally vortexing from under the guttering where it had left a spiral mandala which stopped in the middle. Why not? That's no more miraculous than breathing.

silhouetted on a roof

the snail of night

at dawn



"You've visited this page many times." - Google Search


a spider,

the size of a freckle,

also looks


"The traveller owns the grateful sense

Of sweetness near, he knows not whence,

And, pausing takes with forehead bare

The benediction of the air." - J G Whittier


splashes down the lane-

a scent of roses


Full John Greenleaf Whittier poem http://theotherpages.org/poems/whitt02.html

Quoted in: Inazo Nitobe (Bushido- The Soul of Japan, New York 1905). Pdf http://tinyurl.com/BushidoJapanSoul

item 31

around their windy room

an electric wire tingles-

summer rain

Thank You!

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REVIEW : July 1

ON TO : August




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© copyrights 2007 - 2012 john potts, all rights reserved on this site. all material published remains exclusive copyright of john potts or their designated originators. no contents, including text, photographs, videos, etc. may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of john potts or their designated originators. in addition, no material or contents may be reproduced on the world wide web by techniques of mirroring, framing, posting, etc. without the written consent of john potts or their designated originators. having said that, samples of text only, not to exceed one short paragraph in whole or quoted aggregate, may be used in appropriate context and linked to the main article on this site with author's name acknowledged. be sure to inform us of any sampling including a link to your item.

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email: sunbeam_city7@hotmail.com
