Tokyo, 2020



with pride-

Tokyo, 2020

The Olympics are heading to Japan after Tokyo wins right to host 2020 games beating Istanbul in IOC vote

IOC will be looking for an alternative venue well before 2020. Whatever the Japanese Government says, Fukushima is much worse than Chernobyl. There is no control of the radioactivity, nor any plan to deal with the devastating consequences of the melt-down of three reactors. Large parts of Japan will become uninhabitable and a very large area of the Pacific will become un-fishable well before 2020. We in Europe will also suffer form the fall-out. Australia had better be ready to receive ~50 million Japanese refugees. After all, they own large chunks of it. Boat people, Mr Abbott? To paraphrase Crocodile Dundee: Nah, THIS is a problem. - Bobs , Hitchin,


Daily Mail

As Fukushima radiation rages, Tokyo awarded bid to host 2020 Summer Olympics, hilariously named the 'Safe Games'

How, exactly, is it safe to host the Olympics in a nation which absolutely no workable evacuation routes from a nuclear facility on the verge of collapsing into another deadly radiation release? The answer to that question is provided by Japan's Prime Minister Abe. He claims that Fukushima is no problem whatsoever, that no one has ever been harmed by it, and that it is fully under control!


Natural News

jp 08-09-13

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