
Shoyoyu (pron: shooyooyuu)

"carefree wandering"Good advice from Basho, the father of classical haiku (hokku), to all us ardent students for when we're out and about doing haiku walking (ginko). This allows a quiet and receptive state of mind to empty out the restless heart for us all to experience any journey's myriad little surprises with clarity. We may even have a brief eureka! moment and catch a real live ku!This ideal of childlike innocence in the face of existence is a Dow (Tao) concept whereby we surrender our reactionary nature to the 'gods of equilibrium' and move out into the living wind with a premeditated open acceptance of all that may cross our path. We are not braced for emergencies (for instinctive due diligence is free of false expectation).TO BE CONTINUED